Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

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Re: Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

Post by Fin2Feather »

Way cool! Thanks for posting it.
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Re: Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

Post by Jim Cloninger »

Stan knows what he is talking about. He is one of the few men that handled Bo Whoop from the time it was restocked to the time it was sent to Julias for auction.
TM #5 is my choice for shooting ducks with my HE.
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Re: Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

Post by Stan Hillis »

OH Osthaus wrote:so Stan

did he hear the whoop? did he have period super X to try it?
I don't remember if I asked Jim what shells he tried, but I do remember him saying it had no special "Bo....Whoop! sound. Said it sounded like any other big gun going off in the swamp. We need to remember tho' that ..... when Mistuh Nash fust shot hit, heuz usin' dem long 3" cottidges, which mos' lakly had nevuh been huhrd befo' on de Beavah Dam.

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Re: Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

Post by cockerman »

Okay... So I'm no stranger to duck marshes, timber holes, or wide open water. Would love to know what that mystical
bowhoop report sounded like.
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Re: Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

Post by OH Osthaus »

As described it was a

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Re: Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

Post by Jim Cloninger »

You have to remember the sound will be different in the timber than in an open marsh.
Goodbye Mandy, once in a life time hunting dog. I miss you every day.
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Re: Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

Post by Jeff S »

I mean this very genuinely, I love this webpage because the members are so passionate about all things related to Fox guns. Where else could you find grown men discussing the sound of a 90 year old shotgun. I know that there are a lot of "well connected" people in this group. Maybe someone could organize a DU fund raiser with Bo Whoop. I'm sure that many of us would donate a couple of bucks to listen to Bo Whoop being shot. Here's an idea, bring Bo Whoop to Hausemann's in June. Put a jar on the table for donations to DU. Every time the amount in the jar hits $100, someone gets to pull the trigger and we all shout "Bo Whoop"! If the Fox guys sip enough bourbon, there wold probably be a million bucks in the jar by the end of the weekend. :D
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Re: Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

Post by Silvers »

Gents, on that sound I don't think a modern 2-3/4" Kent TM can be compared with what was heard when a 3-inch shotshell with period powder pushed fiber wads and bare shot through an overbored barrel. And I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Mr Buck had some access to special loaded shells by Western and maybe other makers. Even today my shooting buds can tell the difference in report when mix/match shooting reloads with single-base and double-base powders.
Last edited by Silvers on Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

Post by Jim Cloninger »

I do believe there is a different sound from a hunter shooting steel from a Benelli than one shooting a Fox with bismuth. A hunting partner, retired now, would always tell me he could tell when I shot on the far side of the marsh because the sound of my shots were different than all the others!
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Re: Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

Post by snakeeater »

scaupman wrote:Snakeeater - my statement that Craig might be able to hunt with Bo Whoop after making a big donation was meant as a joke and certainly was not a fact.

Frank - yes, they were shooting 2 3/4" Kent tungsten matrix #5 shot.
I in no way was thinking Craig or any other member are Fat Cats. What I should have said is that taking Bo Whoop gunning is like taking Gen. Robert E. Lees sword to a North South event . Both are priceless irreplaceable parts of our history & treated as such. Very Respectfully Fritz
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Re: Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

Post by fox-admin »

My first reaction to the video was how cool, on reflection I agree with Fritz---it belongs in a safe place but on public display.
I wonder what DU was thinking?? They are sure to get negative feedback.
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Re: Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

Post by OH Osthaus »

Could you just imagine having to explain losing Bo-Whoop


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Re: Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

Post by Researcher »

Didn't Austin shoot crows with it out behind Julia's when he examined it and did the article for our Newsletter?
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Re: Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

Post by Silvers »

Respectfully, I see this as different than taking Marse Robert's sword to a NS Skirmish or whatever. IMO the Fox with s/n 31088 is far from an original historical artifact. Why not shoot it? It has a newly made stock that doesn't look particularly Foxy at least to my eye. The nose of the comb doesn't have the typical Fox flutes and its finish is way too shiny. And there are those crude hand stampings on its breeches; if I had been Mr Buck and my special order X/HE Fox arrived with those crude stamps it would have gone back to Phila in an heartbeat. I know some have rationalized that Becker's eyesight may have been failing ..... but he and Fox certainly had access to skilled engravers who could have done the barrel legends without resorting to using individual hand stamps. Those interested in seeing the features I cited can refer to the pics on pages 77 - 78 of the Spring 2010 DGJ, in the late Austin Hogan's excellent article Philosophies of Collecting.

I do agree however that DU members who work the most for DU should have gotten first dibs (in some fair fashion) at trying out 31088.
Last edited by Silvers on Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Video - Hunting with Bo Whoop on Beaver Dam Lake

Post by scaupman »

Here's a link to a video of Dale Hall, CEO of DU Inc. with Bo Whoop: ... 159924617/

Here is the link to the Buckingham Trail on the DU web site: ... gebanner#/
Last edited by scaupman on Wed Feb 22, 2017 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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