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Re: Safe pressure?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:11 pm
by oldr31
Reading all this, and disregarding the personal invective; does this mean that modern 2 3/4" loads with plastic shot cups have lower pressures than similar loads from the 1920's and30's?

Please note that I am not an engineer and have no technical education. I am an old guy who grew up with the idea of "if it fits, shoot it", and I suspect that my SW's were treated that way. Now that I am informed I only shoot "low brass" loads and the birds I hit are just as dead as when I was younger. Unfortunately,I don't hit as many as I used to, but that is a completely different issue. So my question is: Am I doing something dangerous?


Re: Safe pressure?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:30 pm
by vaturkey
I think the better thing with any older sxs shotgun (except perhaps the Model 21 and Super Fox) is to choose lighter loads. Easier on the lockup, easier on the wood, easier on barrel, easier on the shooter. Now, will a low pressure load hit as hard as a modern pheasant/duck load with heavy shot charges and maximum power and velocity I think the answer is no (physics indeed). I think that lighter load preference applies with any classic double whether it be Fox, Parker, LC Smith, etc etc.

The issue these days is with the exception of B&P, RST and probably Polywad, no major ammunition company is going to provide the pressure of their loads. Trust me I've tried to get that information. Even went to Winchester and asked for the pressures of their Xtralight loads and they wouldn't say. They will provide velocity but not pressure. What I will say is I have shot some of those lighter Winchester loads and they feel light to me. Not as light as RST's, but lighter then standard ammo. My 2cents and probably worth that. :)

Re: Safe pressure?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:53 pm
by Mike of the Mountain
Sporrns wrote:
Mike of the Mountain wrote:Here's a link to a paper on load data and pressures. Very interesting. Not starting a urination contest here, just posting some info. There's a lot more out there than just this paper. ... FU/preview
Mike, this is quite a piece of work! I'm certain I have seen parts of it before - Can you tell us who the author is and where/how you found it? Thanks, Kevin.

Kevin, that is the work of Dr. Drew and it can be found on the Double Gun BBS. HUGE thread with even more info than on just that sheet I posted.

Re: Safe pressure?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:57 pm
by Mike of the Mountain
Here's the link to the entire thread- ... Post428567

Re: Safe pressure?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 1:42 pm
by kgb
The 16ga low pressure group has had factory loads tested, presumably by Tom Armbrust who does testing for the reloads developed by that group. He's got results from Y2K of Winchester light 12ga 1 1/8oz target loadings which show pressures and may have a variety of other shells' results available. Anybody interested in knowing PSI of their favorite 12s or 16s (and maybe others) could likely send him some specific shells to check. He shot "quail, doves and grouse" with those 12ga shells having an 1154fps velocity at 4 feet, and reported "great" results although that can probably be discounted since he did not give actual measured distances, weather conditions, time zone and position within those zones, etc. etc.

Re: Safe pressure?

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:34 pm
by Mike of the Mountain
Here is more of Dr. Drew's research. This is done on the various types of steel used in the barrels and their strengths. Enjoy!! ... tPYVA/edit

Re: Safe pressure?

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:59 am
by Sporrns
Thanks much, Mike!

Re: Safe pressure?

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 11:50 am
by JasonPeck
Jeff S wrote:... but let's be completely honest, if you're using a Fox, money really isn't an issue... Jeff
This made my Monday. ;)