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Re: Fox transformation
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:16 am
by coues
A few more pictures.
Re: Fox transformation
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:38 am
by fox-admin
No words can describe your gun Phil, well done and thanks for sharing. Craig
Re: Fox transformation
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 11:48 pm
by Fox20obsessed
Re: Fox transformation
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 4:53 pm
by Foxnut
Stunning gun and fabulous workmanship. Thanks for sharing and keep us updated on the progress please!!
Re: Fox transformation
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 11:45 am
by 44whiskey
does it look like fall hunts are still possible. beautiful wood and stockwork, please post any new pics
Re: Fox transformation
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 10:38 pm
by coues
Still hoping to use it this season. Our quail season opens on the 15th and runs through 1st Sunday in February. Metal should be getting case hardened next week. Still a lot to do along with importing back to US. I would be thrilled to have it back to shoot some quail and dove this year but I would rather have it right then right now.
Re: Fox transformation
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 9:45 am
by coues
Just a quick update. The metal has returned from the engraver and Chris has assured proper fit of the wood/metal of the frame and other pieces.
All of the parts to be case hardened will be going out this week. Once completed it’s off to be final polish and French Grayed.
In the meantime. The barrels and other small items will get properly blued and checkering of the wood will be completed.
I will post additional pictures soon as the transformation continues.
Now to decided on a proper case for this Fox project. I still have not decided on what I want. I really like the A&F toe under style cases My 410 and 28 gauge Francotte’s came in. Thoughts on this are welcome.
Re: Fox transformation
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 9:53 am
by vaturkey
coues wrote:Just a quick update. The metal has returned from the engraver and Chris has assured proper fit of the wood/metal of the frame and other pieces.
All of the parts to be case hardened will be going out this week. Once completed it’s off to be final polish and French Grayed.
In the meantime. The barrels and other small items will get properly blued and checkering of the wood will be completed.
I will post additional pictures soon as the transformation continues.
Now to decided on a proper case for this Fox project. I still have not decided on what I want. I really like the A&F toe under style cases My 410 and 28 gauge Francotte’s came in. Thoughts on this are welcome.
I also like the A&F toe under cases for display. That said, you would be shocked how many barrels get dropped while assembling guns while in the field. Good well lined leather slip is easy to use for field use and at the end of the hunt back into the nice leather take down case.
Re: Fox transformation
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 3:32 pm
by Stan Hillis
That one is really going to be breathtaking when it becomes a "package". Who ever is responsible for creating that engraving pattern and layout is a visionary. I can't quit looking at that top lever. It looks like a dragon's tail to me, for some reason. I love it.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
Re: Fox transformation
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 9:58 pm
by coues
Thank you Stan. I had some details of what I wanted but being unable to draw a decent stick figure I gave a lot of freedom to Chris and Paul the engraver.
I had a few must haves. A Prince of Wales stock made to my dimensions, Toe and heel caps. Sculptured bolsters of Chris’s design. An English pointer with a high arching tail, with a covey rise of Mearns quail flying towards the unseen hunter. Pierced top lever and trigger guard.Deep chiseled engraving of floral and scroll work. A scaled quail and a Gamble quail on the sides.
Then it was….you guys are the artists you have all the leeway to design as you would if it was your shotgun.
Chris suggested many great ideas and has managed this project very well.
I have not been disappointed.The gun has exceeded my expectations in every regard.
Re: Fox transformation
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 10:01 pm
by SPE33
I don’t know how to post a link but take a look at are made in Beloit,Wisconsin and look very nice.Several styles,all custom made I believe.
Re: Fox transformation
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 12:14 am
by coues
Thanks for the information.
Re: Fox transformation
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 9:38 pm
by ar15meister
Phil, Adam from Toronto here. Spectacular gun and thank you for sharing the process. As you know Chris did my semi custom 16 Fox and my Super Fox restoration. I also have a 20 gauge Fox that I am going to send him. His work is spectacular but your gun is in another world unto itself. Your experience and excellent taste are both on full display as well. I look forward to seeing the gun, and hopefully you as well, in AZ this winter. Take care.
Re: Fox transformation
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 6:21 am
by Stan Hillis
Once again I return to these pics and marvel at the engraving. I've never seen barrel wedges done so elaborately, but with such good taste.
My thought this morning as I reviewed them is that ........... no action but that of a Fox could have been this beautiful. The Fox action profile and svelteness has been much written about. My favorite description was that by Jim Carmichael, when long ago he wrote ........
"The double-barreled shotguns made by Ansley H. Fox in his
Philadelphia factory are classics for the simple reason that
they are the most beautiful shotguns ever made in America and,
for that matter, among the most beautiful boxlock designs ever
made anywhere. Whereas the customary practice of gun invention
was to design from the inside out, often enclosing the
mechanism in a plain outer shell that required engraving or
other embellishment to be presentable, the seductive lines of
the Fox receiver suggest that it was sculpted by an artist.
Like a lush maiden shed of her arrayment, the Fox needed no
engraving to accent its sensuous contours and, indeed, the
unadorned lowest grades perhaps best showcase their elegance
of form."
But, I would hasten to add, when the engraving and other custom work is done by true artists like these the results are spectacular.
Re: Fox transformation
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 11:11 am
by Jim Cloninger
Thanks, Stan, for Jim Carmichael's remarks. I agree. Jim