New to Fox guns

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Stan Hillis
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Re: New to Fox guns

Post by Stan Hillis »

vaturkey wrote:Yep, the Frontier cleaning pads work well.
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Joined: Wed Apr 14, 2021 6:14 pm

Re: New to Fox guns

Post by EricB »

Got the cleaning pads in. Going to take some time to clean off decades worth of grime. They work great on an old police trade in revolver that I thought would need refinishing.
Next step is pulling the stock off. The safety is difficult to move, so I’m guessing the action has gummed up oil and dust. The bores are freakishly clean. I’m thinking they’ve been honed but I’m just guessing.
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Re: New to Fox guns

Post by EricB »

DarylC wrote:Very nice Eric, I'm sure you will enjoy your Sterlingworth and I bet it won't be your last.
Do yourself and the gun a favor and stop using the 0000 steel wool on the metal. Instead order some of these to clean the metal surfaces on your gun.
You won't use anything else and they are completely safe to use on blued metal.

These pads are incredible! I’m doing one barrel at a time so that there is a distinct “before & after”. I can’t believe how nice the 1st barrel is looking. There is some dried oil or grease making specks that I thought were corrosion but that’s coming off nicely.
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