Greenheads still flying at our Bo-Whoop

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Greenheads still flying at our Bo-Whoop

Post by Silvers »

I just got back from the Northeast Classic and our Bo-Whoop. Gray skies all day today but hardly any rain. Mostly "practice" shooters today - not shooting for score, trophy or purse. Those greenheads can't be seen too well against the gray sky, and the best score at our B-W shoot stands at only 2 of 10 birds as of today. Let's see if the game bag is heavier tomorrow - blue skies and sun predicted. I spent most of the day out at the B-W shooting station; here are some pics taken at lunch. Frank


Jill and Alex from RST

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Paul, Don and Bill holding down the Supers on display

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Rocco pulling and Fred with his 32" SW ejector
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Post by Silvers »

The blue skies surely brought out the shooters today on the NE Classic Side by Side courses and our Bo-Whoop Trophy event. Parking lot was full and overflowing. It was a pleasure to see and meet so many old and new friends and Fox Collector members.

So far we've had 75 practice and score shooters attempt our Bo-Whoop long range targets, with almost 900 targets thrown. Mike Campbell of NY (last year's B-W trophy winner) is in the lead with a score of 6. Mike is shooting his custom stocked 32-inch SW. Second place is currently a two-way tie between Paul Plunkett, AHFCA Treasurer, and J.D. Shank. Paul is shooting a 32" Trap Sterlingworth, and J. D. is fielding a 30" SW. All three guns are 12 gauge. Of interest, J.D. also shot a 20 gauge 26" SW choked IC and Mod and also broke 4 practice targets with that gun.

We have 1/2 day more of B-W shooting tomorrow before the final winners are recognized with the trophy and purses.

Sorry, no new pics from me today. Forgot the camera. Frank
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Post by HIGH$TRAP »

A beautiful day for shooting and no shortage of targets to shoot at! Everyone was having a great time of it, especially this one character
that hung out at the Bo-Woop stand, he was having way too much fun!! :lol:


A long target for sure!

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My hat is off to Mike C and Foxist.....I couldnt hit the first bird out to save my life....I dont think I was in the right zipcode. (didnt do so good on the second bird out either) Im not used to missing a target more than I hit it. Nice job on the Bo-Whoop event Frank, first class!!! Actually, the enitire Hidden Hollow event is "top shelf"...kudos to Ernie & Co.
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Post by jolly bill »

Amen to what Marsh is saying. "Top Shelf" indeed.

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Post by Silvers »

Yep, way too much fun! :lol: One of our members will recognize that Super Fox I'm holding. NO NEED to reply. Frank
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Post by fullchoke16 »

I'll second that " not used to missing more than I hit". With an event named Bo Whoop it should be a challenge though, and well done I might add. The other shooting oportunities were well done too. At what position did Jack finally go mad? That game is a hoot. Nice to meet so many from the Fox group and get to see the Super Fox guns. The Parker folks from Conn. were fun to shoot with too. This was my first time at Hidden Hollow and I'd highly recommend it to all Fox collectors. Even if you don't shoot, it's worth the trip just to see the guns. We don't have anything like that back home. Thanks to all for a good time. Fred
Recoil is most noticed when I miss
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