Calling all Super Foxes!!!!!!

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Calling all Super Foxes!!!!!!

Post by FOXIST »

Just bringing this to the top!!
The A H Fox collectors association is planning a dispay at the Great Northeast Side X Side Classic at Hausmann's Hidden Hollow this June 5-7 in Friendsville ,Pa. The display is going to be based on the Super Fox in keeping with our "Bo Whoop" trophy event there. We would like to put together a nice group of HE grade "Super Foxes" for display. I have been put in charge of the display and am looking for volunteers to help with the display and man the tables.
The plan now is to have room for twelve display guns. At last years event we had a large showing of Super Foxes there to shoot the event and are likely to have more Super Foxes at one location than ever in history at this years event. Even if you plan on shooting your SF in the event, we would still like to have it in the display. You may remove your gun at any time to shoot the event if needed. I am sure we will have others to fill in the empty slots.
Please contact me if you have a Super Fox or any HE grade "Go Withs" you would like to display or would like to help out manning the tables. I can be reached at: , phone at 862-432-6326 or PM me.

Last edited by FOXIST on Mon May 18, 2009 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Silvers »

Paul, stocking and other work is supposed to be complete on my straight grip Super and I'll have her there.

I agree, if there ever was a Super Fox convention is is going to be it! Last year the Bo Whoop was big but this one will be bigger. I sure hope those who can make the drive or flight will go for it. Besides our Bo Whoop Trophy shoot there will be many other venues at Hidden Hollow, plus a big tent exhibition, etc. If you come by car and need short, low pressure shells can get them at the RST ammo depot (trailer) and save the shipping charge.

Any Fox members needing extra help - suggestions for flights, travel or rooms - send me a PM. Hidden Hollow is relatively close to me so I'm fairly familiar with that local area. Frank
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Post by FOXIST »

Come on Gents and Ladies, A couple of weeks to go! Time to get those Super Foxes or any regular long range configured guns out of the back of the safes. The "Bo Whoop" is calling.
Who plans on coming out to Hidden Hollow? Who is bringing their "Super Fox" ?
The AHFCA plans to have Bore measuring equipment there to spec out the Super Fox Boring. Paul :)
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Post by birdawg »

I just hope someone brings a camera so those of us who live in the bush can see all the lovelies.
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Post by DGKaas »

Paul-Russ Bickel and I will likely be up on Sat. morning for the day. He will bring his ex-Henry Bartholmew 32", straight grip, regular frame HE and I will bring my 32" "Shootinest Gent'man" XE/HE Special. Maybe I can get Russ to pry out my old Becker from the safe...not an HE but it does have the triggerguard from Nash Buckingham's Whitworth HE :shock: -Don
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Post by Ian Nixon »

:D To 2nd birdawg's fine suggestion - YES, please have a GOOD photographer there.
:idea: A MAJOR feature article of this event and the hardware are naturals for the September Fox newsletter. I suspect a goodly number of the membership won't be able to be physically present for various reasons and would really appreciate the coverage.
Tom Kidd's Fox articles in the Double Gun Journal are "nice", but seeing the hardware gathered in one spot and being used popping primers would ice the cake.
Just my Canadian$0.02.
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Post by fox-admin »

Here is a picture of my SF's that will be present at the HH shoot. Looking forward to meeting all the AHFCA members attending and putting my finger prints all over your guns!
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Post by mc15426378 »

As I will be stuck in MS preparing for Sarbanes auditors arriving on 6/8 I am searching for a volunteer to place some really sweaty (and lots of them) fingerprints all over Frank's HE and his XE should it make an appearance. :lol:

Any takers?

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Post by HIGH$TRAP »

Fear not mc15426378, Frank is not afraid to let others play with his toys :)
Here he is getting one of his toys returned to him, notice the painful look on his face!! :lol:

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