Why one set of holes??

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Why one set of holes??

Post by fox-admin »

OK Here is a picture of the butt from a C grade that had a brick hard Jostam Anti Flinch. The only screw holes are the ones made for the pad which has a different distance between the holes than a standard hard butt plate. The letter for the gun indicates 14 1/8LOP which was standard. The stock measures perfect for a 14 1/8LOP with a butt plate. Why only one set of holes?
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Post by FOXIST »

Craig does that look like a "wood plug" fill in just above the lower hole or is that just the light off the finish on the stock? Paul
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Post by fox-admin »

Paul: No its not a plug. I will bring it to the HH shoot and you guys can take a look. Craig
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Post by Silvers »

Craig, I assume this is the CE we talked about the other day. When I saw the gun a couple of weeks ago the pad was all squashed and looked like it was on since Hector was a pup. It seems the only plausible explanation is the record card clerk goofed up and the gun really left the factory with that Jostam pad. Frank
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Post by fox-admin »

OK so now I have to find a Jostam Anti Flinch, that should be interesting.
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Post by mc15426378 »

Well.....maybe Tony G will add the anti flinch to his lineup. Might be worth a call to ask.
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Post by Silvers »

If my gun I'd get a REAL S W Silvers or a Galazan Noshoc on it. Both are period to your C grade and can be doctored up to look old. Personally I like the Noshoc better because it has much smaller screw plugs. Frank
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Post by cargie32 »

Craig, just find an old sterlingworth with a good pad and swap it out, the fellow would probably love to have a nice new modern pad on it. If fact I happen to know where theres an "H" #31532 that has a anti-flinch pad on it.?
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Post by mc15426378 »

Craig, just as a follow-up to Frank's suggestion, I have a Galazan re-pop Noshoc on a 16 ga Smith I have. I later found a new original Noshoc and put it on one of my Fox 20s. The re-pop pad is ok but, to me, the rubber reminds me of a pencil eraser and is much harder than my original pad. The color of the original is much nicer also. Frank's also 100% correct on the plug size in my opinion.

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Post by wburns »

Galazans is selling HY Gun Jostam Pads. Might be worth a look. I bought one to replace the pad on a Remington Model 10 Trap Gun I just purchased. Very nice pad.
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Post by Researcher »

I don't believe the Hy-Gun came out until after the Model 10 was replaced by the Model 29.
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Post by fox-admin »

The screw holes on my gun and Foxist's B grade of the same era are 3 1/4" apart. The Hy-gun pad had 3 1/4" between holes as did the Anti Flinch. I think it is interesting that two guns very close in serial number both have only one set of holes and they are both 3 1/4" apart. Only a collector would care about this stuff but it is better than anything on TV :D
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Post by yelloh564 »

Craig, I have several NOS Jostam Hy-Gun pads. they are all soft and pliable with screws and installation instructions. I have had them for 8-10 years. With the work you do to further our addiction, I'll donate one to your worthy cause if you want to use it!
Let me know
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Post by wburns »

Model 10s were discontinued in 1929. Jostam HY Gun pads last Patent date was 1927 with the first being 1914. There is one currently on the gun. It might not be period, but I simply want to replace it with what was on there. The old one is cracked and hardened. I don't think it came with a pad in the first place. Looks like it was probably cut down some to add the pad.
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Post by Researcher »

Up thru the 1918-19 Remington Arms--Union Metallic Cartridge Co. catalogue the No. 10S "Special Trap" and the No. 10C "Trap" Grade both were standard with a butt plate, and barrels could be plain, matted or matted solid rib. By the 1923 Remington Arms Co., Inc. catalogue No. 107, the No. 10T "Target" Grade with Ventilated Rib had been added to the offereings and it came "fitted with a recoil pad of any make desired." By the 1929 Remington Arms Co., Inc. catalogue the Model 29T "Target" Grade was standard with a Jostam Anti-Flinch, but would be "fitted with a recoil pad of any make desired.

Those patent dates (Dec. 29, 1914; Oct. 12, 1915; and Sept. 20, 1927) were Jostam patents and began appearing on the Anti-Flinch pads as they were issued. Has anyone figured out the Patent Numbers that go with these dates?

If the Hy-Guns were good enough for Burt Becker, who am I to argue!!
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