December 15 SxS shooting at Rock Mountain (northeast PA)

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December 15 SxS shooting at Rock Mountain (northeast PA)

Post by Silvers »

This isn't an official AHFCA event and so I'm posting it here for those within a reasonable driving distance. I've heard lots of interest from gents who shoot double-guns on occasion. I'll be there of course. Fox tech questions answered for the price of a Rock Mountain coffee (free). :lol:

On Sunday, December 15 Rock Mountain Sporting Clays here in PA sports its annual "Clays for Christmas" SxS day. It's not a tournament, it's just a day to celebrate Christmas and fine vintage double guns. Regular daily target costs will apply, $35/100 for RM members and a break for non-members of $5/100 ($45). For SxS shooters, I will have chili made and Sam will have soup. I'll have some goodies (kalachi and kiffles) too. We ask you please call or email and let us know you will attending so we can have enough food. "Tis the season"!! Contact info on the bottom of RM's Home page.
Mike of the Mountain
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Re: December 15 SxS shooting at Rock Mountain (northeast PA)

Post by Mike of the Mountain »

I'll be making my Cincinnati Chili, Susan will be making her Mulligatawny Soup. Kalachi will be out for a treat and so will some venison goodies. As the original post said, please call and let us know if you're coming and if you are bringing any shooting buddies so we can provide enough food. THX!
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Re: December 15 SxS shooting at Rock Mountain (northeast PA)

Post by DarylC »

I'd love to make it but it's the final day of our rifle season here and my grandson has yet to score. Maybe tonight is the night.
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Re: December 15 SxS shooting at Rock Mountain (northeast PA)

Post by Jeff S »

Very nice of Mike and Sam to host this event. Unfortunately I’ll be sipping a margarita in Florida.
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Re: December 15 SxS shooting at Rock Mountain (northeast PA)

Post by Dave D »

It was a nice day for mid-December. We had a good time as always at Rock Mountain
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