Thanks Ron but I'll kick you in the arse for posting when I see you next week at the Northeast SxS at Hidden Hollow.
Winchester Model 12's have long been my favorite repeater and actually I don't own a semi-auto shotgun in any gauge. The Winny I used yesterday is a 1948 12 ga/32" Field gun with an aftermarket Simmons Rib. I bought her for low bucks on GB about 6 years ago. All I've done is to put on a tapered spacer to reduce the barrel pitch along with replacing the Pachmayr white line pad with a Jostam Hy Gun pad. Winchester Full choke at 36 points of constriction. She comes up pretty well and I've shot her enough to not even think about pumping although that's usually two shots in sequence, not three.
Rock Mountain's signature Trimo shoot is 150 clays over 15 stations, with three traps on each station and three clays per call as per the station menu. One single and a simo on report, or one simo and a single on report, or all three birds simultaneous with one button on the clicker. Evil Mike the target setter did his usual deed and the course was pretty challenging but real fun. I was shooting Fiocchi factory 1-ouncers at 1170 speed with 7-1/2 shot.
Thank you again Ron but remember, you have something coming at Hausmann's
