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It's hard to believe that one month from today will be the grand finale shoot-offs of our legendary BO-WHOOP, BABY-WHOOP, LETTERMAN SBT and the 2024 Fox vs. Lefever Challenge. It's time to stoke the flames for getting newcomers to make the trip out to the beautiful Endless Mountains, and come join us for what is unequivocally, the AHFCA's premiere event of the year. Ask anyone who's attended in the past, and I guarantee you will hear glowing reviews of the BIG FUN the Fox crowd generates through their creative and addictive shooting events, the free-flow of Fox technicana and invaluable advice that can be gleaned from unselfish gents with decades of experience handling some of the greatest Fox guns extant, the roll-up your sleeves volunteerism that our members supply and most importantly, the tidal wave of camaraderie that will wash over all who attend. Below is a recap of our 2022 event. Give it a read and please make plans to join us at THE HOLLOW. 30 days and counting!!!
It is often said that the mark of a truly great event is when you're sad to see it end. And no doubt, that's how many of us felt when Smitty's final shot echoed across the Endless Mountains and the tents came down on the 2022 Northeast Classic at Hidden Hollow.
To steal a phrase coined from the mighty 8th Air Force, it was a "maximum effort" put forth by a devoted and hard-working cadre of AHFCA members, that vaulted this year's Bo-Whoop, Baby-Whoop and Letterman SBT event into the record books. I don't want to steal any of Daryl's thunder, but I do want to express my sincere thanks to the all-volunteer crew who worked their tails off and had a ball of fun in the process. It was awesome to see so many participants, many who seldom burn powder on clay targets, getting in on the fun and camaraderie, and coming back for more....and more.
A huge thanks to my fellow BOD's, Craig Larter and Kevin McCormack for their hours spent administering the Bo-Whoop and for manning our booth and wonderful display of Fox guns. To Tom Tutweiller, for another tremendous assist at the booth or whenever we were short-handed on the shooting front and for snapping pics at the Fox-Lefever Challenge. To Jeff Stegmeier, Bill Jolliff, Don McQuade and his buddy Steve Wilson (our newest member) for helping out wherever needed, loading, pulling and scoring targets.
A big shoutout to Doc Burkett for going above and beyond on so many levels, creating instructional sheets for the shooting table, supplying chairs, gunracks, and assisting with shooter flow/administration for the Challenge....truly an anodyne for the history of present illness!! To "Silvers" for providing his sage advice on Fox technicana to so many of our members and visitors, and for assisting Daryl and I with shooting rules and purse payouts from his many years serving as Shooting Events Coordinator. To Mike "Smitty" Smith for helping Daryl set the targets and keeping him supplied with fresh cigars and Brooklyn Handicap. And last but not least, to Daryl Corona for "running the show," setting wonderful targets and reversing the steady decline in shooter participation that we've been experiencing over the last few years. What a Herculean effort my friend!! Kudos to you and your passion for shooting our beloved Fox guns!!!
I urge any Fox member, especially those who live within 6 hours of Hausmann's, to put this event on your calendar for 2023. Like we say time and time again. YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!! Extraordinary guns, great targets over multiple events, unrivaled camaraderie shared amongst fellow Fox members and all this, against the back drop of some stunningly beautiful country! What's not to like???
PS---Oops, and of course thanks to my exponentially better half, Mrs. Toolman, for keeping our glucose levels jacked, courtesy of her legendary chocolate chip cookies!
On the whole....I'd rather be in Philadelphia....
- Silvers
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