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Post by Researcher »

A 1910 A.H. Fox Gun Co. price list showing the List Price and the Net Price, that I had not seen before, just went on eBay for pretty good money. Hope a member here got it. It seems 1909 and 1910 Fox paper has a way of eluding me.

I don't know why, but in the 1890s and the first decade of the 20th Century the manufacturers put very high List Prices in their catalogs but then the guns actually sold retail at much lower Net Prices.

Beginning with the 1911 A.H. Fox Gun Co. Campfire Catalog they began putting the List Price and Net Price in the catalogs --
1911 Campfire Catalogue No. 24 pg 5.jpeg
By the 1913 A Fox Gets the Game catalog they just have the Net Prices --
1913 Catalogue Page 6 A-Grade Text.jpeg
1913 Catalogue Page 7 A-Grade Picture.jpeg
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Re: 1910

Post by JasonPeck »

Dave, I was lucky enough to win the price list. Never seen another. Still surprises out there!
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Re: 1910

Post by TOOL MAN »

Great score Jason!! Even more impressive is your choice of Tape Rules!!!
(Looks like a 33-112 to my eyes?) Like N. 18th and Windram, here's another iconic American manufacturer's plant, long since abandoned and left to the rodents. :oops: :evil:
On the whole....I'd rather be in Philadelphia....
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Re: 1910

Post by Researcher »

Beginning with the 1911 A.H. Fox Gun Co. Campfire Catalog they began putting the List Price and Net Price in the catalogs --
1911 Campfire Catalogue No. 24 pg 5.jpeg
This is probably more minutia than anybody wants, but I misspoke above. Actually, in that I don't have a 1909 (No. 22) or 1910 (No. 23) "Campfire" Catalog, I don't know when A.H. Fox Gun Co. began putting the Net Price in the catalogs.

For 1911, the A.H. Fox Gun Co. produced the regular "Campfire" Catalog (No. 24) with both the List Price and Net Price in it and one with EXPORT EDITION on the cover and No. 24E on the title page with just the List Prices in it.
1911 Export.JPG
The No. 24E I have has this 1911 NET PRICES ON A.H. FOX GUNS inserted in it.
1911 Net Prices on A.H. Fox Guns.jpeg
The existence of the 1910 NET PRICES ON A.H. FOX GUNS that Jason got tends to indicate they did earlier.
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Re: 1910

Post by 200052 »

Researcher, I have several Campfire catalogs of the group; but I believe the Export version you pictured is the best condition Campfire I have ever seen!
Have often wondered if the 22/23 versions actually existed.
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Re: 1910

Post by Researcher »

The Headricks had all six after they convinced me to sell them my really minty No. 24!! They're collection was then sold to Dana and then auctioned by Julia's after he died.
Tauber Collection 02.png
There is also the SPANISH EDITION No. 24S that one of our members sent me some pictures of.
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