I found this information in a thread by Frank (Silvers) Srebro from 2018. I should have checked here first instead of the internet.
It seems he was a known shooter, owner of fox guns and ran a sporting goods store.
"Harry Fisher was a good shooter and long-time Secretary of the Clearview Gun Club in Philadelphia. He seems to have preferred straight grips, extractors and his personal stock drops are as shown. I own another one of his Foxes (12-gauge) with those same features. Maybe this 16 bore was intended for quail - period hunting season listings do show some quail in Pennsylvania, but another possibility was for woodcock or grouse over dogs in the northern PA woods which were coming back in extensive bird cover after having been basically deforested in years prior. There are many period stories and articles attesting to then wonderful bird hunting including how city gents would travel out to those areas.
Climb on the overnight train out of Phila, PRR to a good jumping-off town like Williamsport and thence by the CPL or S&NY railroads, and Harry and his buds are hunting the next day.