Help dating Ansley H. Fox Grade C

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Re: Help dating Ansley H. Fox Grade C

Post by jcherry »

Thanks again for all the comments and help. I'm astonished at the wealth of information you guys have! You've all been great. Thanks, Jeff
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Re: Help dating Ansley H. Fox Grade C

Post by Silvers »

Except from Dave's post with pics "That is the impetus for my theory about damage to 1210's original frame and the present frame being a repair/replacement."

I don't know why Fox would do that rather than just supply another frame with its serial number already stamped?. No one was a purist collector back then and what would it matter if a replacement for a damaged frame had a different serial? My theory is that the frame forging with 1210 already stamped was just finish machined to the smaller radius at the time the gun was assembled.

Why did Fox shorten the radius and eventually eliminate it? Easier and easier to head up the stock. frank
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Re: Help dating Ansley H. Fox Grade C

Post by Fowlgunner »

Jeff what part of TN are you in?

The recoil pad replacement/restotartion is a little tricky, like Frank stated earlier if you want it exactly like it left the factory you're going to have to have your smith work for his money.

I'm in West and only know of 1 this side of the state that I would commision this work to.

I don't have regular access to PM's or replying to posting here so if you need some suggestions give me a call 73one threethreethree 74oneone.

Will Gurton
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Re: Help dating Ansley H. Fox Grade C

Post by jcherry »

Nashville TN. A close friend who's an avid shooter and collector hooked me up with a guy named Jeff Walle at Guns & Leather in Greenbrier TN. There are only two guys in middle Tn that can properly fit and shape a Silvers and he is one of them. Thanks for the offer to help.
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Re: Help dating Ansley H. Fox Grade C

Post by Fowlgunner »


Just be aware that the Black base plate of the current market S.W. Silers pads are not the same thickness as the period ones.

You have two options to correct that if it is appealing to you.

a) Add a spacer plate

b) Remove the old red portion of the oringinal and add back the appropriate thickness of red from the replacement

May not be an issue for you and I hope for your sanity it's not! Mine is long gone!! Lol

Good Hunting/Shooting!

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Re: Help dating Ansley H. Fox Grade C

Post by jcherry »

Will, thanks for your guidance and help. Hopefully the installation of the pad will be finished in the next few weeks. I'll post some pics when I get it back. I've saved your phone number and may call you if there are any hicups. Thanks again.
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