Can this stock be repaired?

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Can this stock be repaired?

Post by Xman49 »

I inherited an "A" grade 12g FOX from my grandfather but unfortunately it came with a damaged stock. I'm almost certain this isn't the original stock as well but does anyone think this could be repaired for a reasonable price? I do not have the piece of wood that is missing. I'd like to take it out on an occasional Pheasant hunt. Thank You for any help you can give.
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Re: Can this stock be repaired?

Post by fox-admin »

If you don't want to do a proper replacement stock I would shoot it just the way it is. What are you going to hurt? With a light load the gun will function. I would not put a penny into the current stock it is a real mess in my opinion.
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Re: Can this stock be repaired?

Post by Xman49 »

Thank You
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Re: Can this stock be repaired?

Post by Silvers »

That's surely a replacement stock and if my gun I'd get it repaired by having a filler piece of walnut spliced into that left stock cheek. Also while the stock is off the gun I'd get a small filler done in that chipped out area on the right cheek, also reprofiling the nose of the comb to make it less abrupt and look more "Foxy". Then refinishing. Certainly not worth having a noted stock man do that at high cost but there are lesser wood men who can do a creditable job and reasonably. Heck, many could even do that work themselves. And while that would never satisfy a purist collector sort it will get your Fox back in good shape and tip your hat so to speak to your Grandfather. frank
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Re: Can this stock be repaired?

Post by Sporrns »

Yes it can be repaired and should be if for no other reason than to keep dirt, moisture, etc. out of the action. I had an identical stock which had almost the entire cheek panel mangled on both sides with the addition of a through-bolt repair; I had a good stock man graft some fillets (super-thin wood sheets) to the panels, reshape and refinish and it is barely noticeable. I did as much as I did because it is a very early Sterlingworth with the Wayne Junction barrel address, of which only a few hundred were so marked, a rare gun so I wanted to preserve it. Kevin
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Re: Can this stock be repaired?

Post by Brian Dudley »

The stock on the gun, on top of being damaged, is also not original and pretty poorly made/shaped. Sure the damage as it is can be repaired. But would you want to throw good money after bad? But it would of course be far less than a proper replacement.
,Brian Dudley
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