Another Drawbolt Sterlingworth on GunBroker

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Another Drawbolt Sterlingworth on GunBroker

Post by Jack71 »

I keep seeing them. As we've discussed in prior threads, maybe more of them were made than we realized. This one is #143745 (I think I'm reading the serial number correctly), has 28" barrels. 12 gauge of course. It seems to be in good condition, but the LOP is only 13 11/16" which is a deal-breaker for me.

I wonder if this gun is on Dave's list. Or is it Frank that is tracking these things?
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Re: Another Drawbolt Sterlingworth on GunBroker

Post by Researcher »

I recorded 143746 on GI back in June. It is tough for me to read that last digit on the gun on Gunbroker. Could be a 3, 5 or 8. Right in the run of 28-inch barrel draw-bolt 12-gauge guns I've been recording for years.

In looking around I see on GI a 28-inch draw-bolt that the dealer states has serial number 138067 which is not in the ranges where I've previously recorded 12-gauge draw-bolts. However, Tom Kidd in his draw-bolt article in The Double Gun Journal, Volume Eight, Issue 1, while he pictures 28-inch barrel 143573, shipped January 12, 1940, towards the bottom of page 120 he states he'd previously owned 28-inch barrel draw-bolt 138086, shipped August 8, 1939.
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Re: Another Drawbolt Sterlingworth on GunBroker

Post by Jack71 »

Now I see yet another draw-bolt Sterly on GunBroker. This time it's #143641, which is in the range of others Dave has noted. 12 gauge, of course, with 28" barrels. It has a small crack at the head of the stock, so I have no interest in buying it. But these draw-bolt guns keep showing up, so they are out there. Most GB sellers (and buyers) don't know what they are, so they don't seem to be bringing a premium.
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