A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer

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A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer


Hello all I picked up my first fox today! A grade “ansley h fox” internet tells me it’s 1911-12 serial #19812
$90 off gb just the receiver but it’s almost complet minus trigger guard safety components and trigger plate screw I took apart and cleaned other than already listed I’ll need stock barrels and forend I see some sterling worth barrels on eBay are they interchangeable? How are parts for these beauties in general to find or just need to get lucky for parts on eBay and other outlets
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Re: A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer


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Re: A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer

Post by MIGrouse »

Some one on Guns International is selling a set of HE barrels in the white.
HE Barrels.jpg
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Re: A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer

Post by setterspell »

Welcome SUPERBLAKE. I dont know what your budget is for this project, but I can only say "stop while youre ahead". Keep in mind youre not building a AR15 where you can just drop in any parts from the internet. While the parts you have purchased certainly have value, the cost of finding missing parts and professionally fitting barrels, forend and wood will be well beyond the value of your finished Fox. Save your money and keep watching for a complete original Fox.
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Re: A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer

Post by ROMAC »


You have accumulated some good parts at a decent price, but these are the parts that are typically either easy to find or no one needs or wants. People typically want harder to get parts like forend parts for projects like a second set of barrels or ejector parts which can break, none of which you have.

The best advice I can give you is that you consider shelving your dreams of a "build" and sell them off individually to recoup your investment. You are starting to head down a financial hole where you could easily spend $5K for a $1K shooter with no collector value. The only exception I can think of is if you have the talent to do all the work yourself, are patient enough to find parts needed on the cheap and are looking for a labor of love.

Sorry to be so blunt, but we have all been there at one time or another.
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Re: A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer


Hahaha thank you for the response definitely a labor of love long haul project I just finished a 20 gauge Citori “build” if you wanna call it that which took me 5 years of trolling eBay to complete did have to do some welding and fitting barrels myself but definitely understanding what you all are saying mostly looking to build a nice grouse gun that I can have fun tinkering with just wanted to see we’re parts we’re mainly surfacing
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Re: A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer

Post by ROMAC »

Well, I'm rooting for you then.

Good luck. I'll have to look in a few boxes of stuff to see if there isn't something that you might need that I have squirelled away.
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Re: A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer

Post by bbman3 »

Your frame looks like extractor so buy a set of extractor sterlingworth barrels and snap on forend and trigger guard. Bobby
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Re: A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer

Post by spyder »

Good luck with your project! My advice is to be very specific about the barrels you buy, especially the lateral width at the breech end, and that it matches as closely as possible the lateral width of the standing breech of your action. Also the angle where the action flats intersect the vertical face of the standing breech changed over the years, so try to get barrels that were made in the same time period or have access to some fancy milling equipment. I say this after years of trying to find barrels compatible for a 1909 C grade.

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Re: A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer

Post by vaturkey »

MIGrouse wrote:Some one on Guns International is selling a set of HE barrels in the white.
HE Barrels.jpg
Those won't fit his frame. Those HE barrels will only fit a Super Fox Frame.
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Re: A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer


Will sterling worth barrels “with some fitting fit ansley h fox frame?
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Re: A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer

Post by vaturkey »

SUPERBLAKED wrote:Will sterling worth barrels “with some fitting fit ansley h fox frame?
Might fit, might not dependent on when the barrels were made. However, you are going to have a foreend latch problem. Graded 12 gauge guns used the Deely latch as far as I know and the Sterlingworth used a snap on forearm. That means you might be able to get a Sterlingworth forearm complete with metal work and make it and the barrel work, but it sure won't look right. Might be able to turn it into a shooter.

PS. I could be wrong on the above, but I think I'm right or I wouldn't post it.
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Re: A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer


Little update found sterlingworth barrels and they fit really well compared to other guns I’ve tried could not find a forend that fits so I took a ejector model forend I got for cheap and used a file and am converting to a baker style latch to fit the barrel
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Re: A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer


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Re: A grade ansley h fox receiver first timer


One problem I have run into the barrels are missing cocking slide and I have not been able to find one so may attempt to make one if I can unless anyone has a lead on one and also was wondering if anyone knows the status of pumpkin mountain gun shop are they coming back? Or gone for good
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