Cabela’s Dundee,Michigan

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Cabela’s Dundee,Michigan

Post by SPE33 »

Stopped in yesterday to find that their Gun Library closed last March.Used guns are no longer on the floor but behind the counter.And I didn’t see very many of them either. Too bad.
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Re: Cabela’s Dundee,Michigan

Post by Jeff S »

That’s too bad!
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Re: Cabela’s Dundee,Michigan

Post by Jim McKee »

Yes I discovered the same at Columbus Cabela's last week.
If you want to look at (hold) a used firearm you must get in line and get a ticket. Not as easy as looking in the case in the old Gun Library.
Just another change after the change over.
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Re: Cabela’s Dundee,Michigan

Post by Foxnut »

That’s a shame but not surprising. Over the last couple of years the Gun Library has had a continual decline from what they once were. I haven’t been on their website lately so don’t even know if they are actively selling SxS and other classic guns. Due to a lack of knowledge with some of the locations they had crazy prices on marginal guns and at times some great buys! It’s a shame. Brett
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Re: Cabela’s Dundee,Michigan

Post by 3birddogs »

The Gun Library at the Wheeling, WV store remains open, and the used guns are still on the floor in open racks to examine. The ammo shelves are empty, and filled with other merchandise now.
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Re: Cabela’s Dundee,Michigan

Post by Sporrns »

Gun Library at the Gainesville VA store is open with new and used guns in racks available for handling and purchase. Virtually no shotshell ammo except steel shot heavy waterfowl loads. Did not look closely but there appeared to be no rifle or pistol ammo on any shelves; spaces now devoted to clothing, silly outdoor gear (e.g., themed cup holders for ATVs) and other geegaws. Very limited reloading components of any kind. Kevin
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Re: Cabela’s Dundee,Michigan

Post by Jeff S »

What a coincidence, we just hired a new manager at our gun club, and he came from a Cabela’s gun library.
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Re: Cabela’s Dundee,Michigan

Post by eightbore »

Jeff, will a round of skeet be $1.29 or $26.00, or will it fluctuate on different days? Will the price be negotiable?
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Re: Cabela’s Dundee,Michigan

Post by Jeff S »

Good question. I’ll keep you posted.
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Re: Cabela’s Dundee,Michigan

Post by Witty1 »

Cabela's Hamburg PA still has a Gun Library, and a used gun rack, but PA is a a gun state. I have noticed a slow erosion since Bass Pro bought Cabela's. Selection of vintage doubles, and Foxes have become a rare sight. At least when I have stopped in. Even new guns they had stocked in the past now you need to order online. (before the shortage) When asked can you order it for me I was told to login at the store kiosk to the Cabela's website. Which I can do at home, beside using my points their isn't much advantage buying there. If you remember in the past Bass Pro had a Gun Library at the Harrisburg PA store but that didn't last long.

Good luck Fox treasure hunting but Cabela's is not what it use to be.
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Re: Cabela’s Dundee,Michigan

Post by arcmaster »

Bass Pro does not place an emphasis on the used gun or gun library type guns like Cabela's did before the buyout. The gun libraries were kept from buying for quite a while and had to seek permission on guns over a certain dollar figure to purchase. This really dried up the market. I have been told that permission to purchase has opened up a bit now, but I believe that the damage has been done. Bass Pro is all about the margin side of the business and they focus heavily on clothing and fishing which has more margin. Many of the higher end Cabelas branded products have been discontinued in favor of the Redhead brand which is not the same quality.
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