Deals can still be had!
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Deals can still be had!
It’s all too common to see our beloved Fox shotguns being listed at astronomical prices that we as collectors know are sky-high, but every once in a long while you come across a fantastic deal. I recently acquired a pretty high condition 20 bore sterlingworth with 28” pipes for what I would consider to be a steal. This particular gun popped up on one of the gun auction sites and had an auction that ended on a Wednesday at midday. I had been watching the gun, but kind of forgot about it for a few days and then miraculously pulled it up with a few hours left that day. I was at work and knew that the area I was headed to would leave me without cell service and so before I left the office I put a competitive bid on the gun at the max I was willing to spend and went about my day. Needless to say I was thinking about the auction all day, but focused on work and so I just figured I’d check it out at the end of the day. Around lunch time I stopped to do some paperwork on a high ridgetop and happened to notice that I had service. I pulled out my phone, checked the auction results, and ended up winning this nice fox for much less than my max bid so I was tickled. Gun is all original and has a small chip in it’s grip cap, but aside from that is really nice. Uncut stock, original HRBP, lots of color, original wood finish and bluing. Dimensions are 14 1-4” LOP, DAC 1 5/8”, DAH 2 7/8”. Typical dimensions for this era and I think I’ll shoot it well. Chokes are M/F I believe and the gun weighs 6lbs on the nose. This gun was made shortly before Savage took over and thankfully still has all the philly features. All in all a good buy. Here are a few pics of the new piece.
Thanks for looking,
Thanks for looking,
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Re: Deals can still be had!
A few more pics...been looking for a 20 just like this for about 10 years. Nice original condition, but not too nice to hunt with.
Last edited by Fox20obsessed on Sun Dec 06, 2020 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Deals can still be had!
Congrats Matt, a great story and she looks like an honest Fox. Love to see unmolested screw slots. frank
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Re: Deals can still be had!
You did good, Matt! Jim
Goodbye Mandy, once in a life time hunting dog. I miss you every day.
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Re: Deals can still be had!
Yep, just like you want to find them. Nice score Matt.
Owning a Fox is not a spectator sport.
- Jeff S
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Re: Deals can still be had!
I love find them in that condition! Great buy and double thumbs up. Thanks for posting pictures we all really appreciate it and love looking at Fox guns.
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Re: Deals can still be had!
Hey guys thank soo much for all the kind words. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to look and comment. I’m sitting here today wondering how my two best guns have come from a website that I never in a million years would have thought I would have gotten good deals from, but as they say... ”never say never”. It always feels good to get one not needing any work to get it up to snuff. I feel both lucky and fortunate to be able to enjoy these foxes. IMO they are the best guns ever produced.
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Re: Deals can still be had!
Now that you mention it Matt, I found my favorite Fox on an obscure website that I never knew existed as I had never bought a gun via the web. I saw a post somewhere on one of the forums I visit that mentioned this 20 ga. Fox with 30" barrels. Well, that got my attention so I called the fellow and he happened to be in VA, about one hour from me. Needless to say I drove down the next day and sealed the deal.
Owning a Fox is not a spectator sport.
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Re: Deals can still be had!
You said it...seems as though avoiding the mainstream sites is the best way to find the diamonds in the rough so to speak. I bet that 30 incher is one awesome gun to shoot. I’d like to find one of those for doves someday...I purchased one a while back and it was loose as a goose when it arrived so it went back. The long legged smallbores sure are rare. I’ve been watching the sites judiciously for many years now and it seems like even 28” barreled 20 gauge guns are getting harder to find in good usable shape. Others may disagree with my previous comment, but I feel like a significant majority of the 20 bore guns I see coming to market anymore are 26 inchers. Just some observations that are based solely on my opinion. A few years back I bought an ex girlfriend a utica-built 20 with 28” tubes and I don’t know what was more upsetting: the day we parted ways and she took the gun I built for her or the day that she absolutely spanked me with it at the clays range...of course I had an excuse chambered and ready to go...the 12 bore AE I shot that day had a long LOP and cast-on for a lefty and I am a short man that shoots right handed
You said it...seems as though avoiding the mainstream sites is the best way to find the diamonds in the rough so to speak. I bet that 30 incher is one awesome gun to shoot. I’d like to find one of those for doves someday...I purchased one a while back and it was loose as a goose when it arrived so it went back. The long legged smallbores sure are rare. I’ve been watching the sites judiciously for many years now and it seems like even 28” barreled 20 gauge guns are getting harder to find in good usable shape. Others may disagree with my previous comment, but I feel like a significant majority of the 20 bore guns I see coming to market anymore are 26 inchers. Just some observations that are based solely on my opinion. A few years back I bought an ex girlfriend a utica-built 20 with 28” tubes and I don’t know what was more upsetting: the day we parted ways and she took the gun I built for her or the day that she absolutely spanked me with it at the clays range...of course I had an excuse chambered and ready to go...the 12 bore AE I shot that day had a long LOP and cast-on for a lefty and I am a short man that shoots right handed

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Re: Deals can still be had!
Yes, the 30" is a real sweetheart to shoot. I was lucky to find her.
As far as your ex. .... I'd would miss the smallbore more than her in the long run.
You could go to the grocery store and meet a new girlfriend but a nice smallbore Fox? That's not so easy. Enjoy your new to you sweety. 
Yes, the 30" is a real sweetheart to shoot. I was lucky to find her.
As far as your ex. .... I'd would miss the smallbore more than her in the long run.

Owning a Fox is not a spectator sport.