200371 “Slim”

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Re: 200371 “Slim”

Post by DarylC »

Owning a Fox is not a spectator sport.
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Re: 200371 “Slim”

Post by vaturkey »

That should be one awesome gun to shoot, while at the some time being really nice to look at when birds (real or clay) aren't flying.
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Re: 200371 “Slim”

Post by Fox20obsessed »

Shot some hand-thrown clays behind the house with “slim” the other night and she functioned flawlessly. I can’t wait to get out in the PA grouse woods with her again this fall. She shot as well as she ever did for me when I did my part...
To the woods!!!
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Re: 200371 “Slim”

Post by Jeff S »

Fox20obsessed wrote:Shot some hand-thrown clays behind the house with “slim” the other night and she functioned flawlessly. I can’t wait to get out in the PA grouse woods with her again this fall. She shot as well as she ever did for me when I did my part...
To the woods!!!
We all like to see pictures of dead grouse and nice shotguns.
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Re: 200371 “Slim”

Post by bbman3 »

You did a great job to be proud of. Bobby
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Re: 200371 “Slim”

Post by Fox20obsessed »

Guys thank you so much for all of the kind words and enthusiasm! Makes a fella feel like he achieved something noteworthy. For those that saw my posts and never said a word...that’s cool too! Hopefully I’ll have some pics to post up this fall with some pheasants or grouse...we will see I suppose.
Thanks for your time.
Jim Cloninger
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Re: 200371 “Slim”

Post by Jim Cloninger »

Where will you be hunting this fall, Matt?
Goodbye Mandy, once in a life time hunting dog. I miss you every day.
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Re: 200371 “Slim”

Post by Fox20obsessed »

I sent you a PM.
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Re: 200371 “Slim”

Post by Fox20obsessed »

I’ve shot just under a hundred rounds with “slim” now since completion and after patterning it and shooting hand thrown clays have determined that it shoots a tad higher than I like. I have wanted to install a NOS Lyman #10 ivory bead since I bought this thing and now finally had a reason to do so. I was contemplating rust bluing the whole barrel set so I wanted to wait till I decided on whether I would or not before considering the bead. At this point, I have decided to touch-up a few spots via rust bluing, but they are all back near the breech and forend area...The Lyman bead is almost twice as tall as the factory fox metal beads and so I figured installation of said bead could potentially lower my POI. This morning I woke up feeling ambitious and decided to get it done. Using a method described in another thread here (shout out to Phil/fin2feather for that thread) I took a pair of old beat up side-cutters and ground the relief area on the back side down flush with my bench grinder. Then I took a small piece of clear plastic packaging and cut a hole for the original bead to poke up through. Now that I was all set I wiggled the original bead up and out of the rib carefully so as not to marr the rib in any way. Next I drilled out the hole to size and opened it up using the Appropriate Lyman reamer to fit the bead just right. I got everything right where I wanted and then degreased the tapered bead-hole and the tapered base of the bead with rubbing alcohol and q-tips. After all the alcohol evaporated I applied loc-tite 242 to the beads tapered metal base “collar” and the inside of the hole and wiped off any loctite that got on the rib. I then took the whole gun out to the garage and set the muzzle end of the barrels on a hardback book atop the concrete steps and had my dad hold it nice and level. I then used a scrap piece of walnut from a beavertail forend I chopped down and a small hammer to seat the bead to it’s final depth and stake it to the rib. Turned out perfect and I can’t wait to shoot it again now. Some of you may be wondering why in the heck I used the loctite...this is just how I was taught to do it years ago by my mentor Mike Crevar with over 40 yrs as a full-time career gunsmith. It works and I’ve never had one come loose or pop out. I always approach this procedure with great trepidation because if you slip with the drill, open the hole too much, or drill it off center or out of plumb you have effectively screwed up a barrel set. Very pleased this all went according to plan and I have two others to tackle on upcoming projects. I will be creating a few more posts soon on scabbing in chisel cut curls from a parent stock to fill any inletting gaps on a semi-inlet and also potentially a rust bluing thread. Stay posted. See attached pic of the ivory bead that slim now sports. Also, the other day when I shot my “new to me” 28” 20 bore sterly with chicopee falls, mass barrels that were factory silver soldered I had 5 misfires in the right barrel out of 12 shots...frustrating to say the least but when I get to it I will also be creating a thread for the remedy of said misfire issue and hopefully solving the light primer strike issue as I was planning on using this gun as a donor for an XE upgrade project that will take place over the next 2-3yrs.
Thanks for looking,
Double O
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Re: 200371 “Slim”

Post by Double O »

Beautiful job!
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