AH Fox Signal Pistol

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AH Fox Signal Pistol

Post by Melodyjn »

I recently acquired a AH Fox signal pistol from a warehouse auction and Im not sure where to sell it. Its from the 1800's on the top it has Very Pistol 25mm Mark IV, A.H. Fox Co Phila. PA USA, 7-140. I have knowledge about antique guns or any guns for that matter. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
George Lander
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A.H. Fox Flare Pistol

Post by George Lander »

Your A.H. Fox Flare pistol, also called a VERY pistol was produced by Fox as a result of it's being awarded a U.S. Military contract in August of 1918. It is referenced in Mike Mc Intosh's book on page 176. Most are brass framed & @ 10 bore. Fox turned out @ 500 per day until the November Armistice was signed. I had one & sold it. I wish that I had not. If you want to sell it please let me know. Undoubtedly, according to Ansley, it was: "THE FINEST FLARE PISTOL IN THE WORLD".

Best Regards, George Lander
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Post by Researcher »

Having one in the original 25mm seems to be a bit rarer, as most have a line stamped through the 25mm and are marked "1" Conv." They were never made in 10-gauge. Years ago I was in a surplus store that had a chest full of Very Flare Pistols and I searched through them and pulled out 11 made by the A.H. Fox Gun Co. I bought the best one for $49. From what I've seen them sell for since I should have bought all. The last ones I've seen for sale were asking $225 to $275. Back home I have the post WW-I Ordnance report, and as I recall the A.H. Fox Gun Co. made about 5400 of them. Parker Bros was tooling up to make them, but the war ended.

By WW-I Ansley had the Ansley H. Fox Co. and was trying to get his air-cooled machine gun accepted and into production. The Very Flare Pistols were made by the Godshalks. His experience with air-cooling then led to his automobile company and his big air-cooled car in 1922 and 1923.
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George Lander
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A.H. Fox Very Pistol

Post by George Lander »

Researcher: You are most probably right abouth the bore size. In Michael's book he stated that it was 10 bore. I never measured the one that I had. He also stated that no two were alike. I have seen others that were very similar by other makers.

Best Regards, George
"Therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee"......John Donne
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Post by Melodyjn »

I have listed the signal pistol on ebay if anyone here is interested in buying it. Thanks for all your help..
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Post by BlueMax »

Hi, I have been a long time follower of this site and also have a A.H. Fox very pistol as described above. It was in the family prior to WWII, but I'm fairly sure no direct relatives on the American side fought in WWI. My great grandfather's NY/NJ company supplied the military in WWI, so that might be a connection.

Anyway, I was going to post it on the parts for sale site after getting approval from an admin, if anybody had any interest.

It is of the non-striked-out "25 mm" variety.
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Post by abner »

I would be interested in the flare gun. Please email me at: ram326@aol.com Thanks
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Post by Researcher »

America's Munitions 1917-1918, report of Benedict Crowell, the Assistant Secretary of War, Director of Munitions, Washington, Government Printing Office, 1919. On page 220 where he discussed the Very Flare Pistol -- "In August 1918, we let contracts for 135,000 of the 25-mm pistols and for approximately 30,000 of the 35-mm pistols. The A.H. Fox Gun Co. completed 4,193 of the smaller pistols and Scott & Fetzer Machine Co. turned out 7,750 of them. Other concerns which had taken contracts but had not come into production when the armistice was signed were the National Tool & Manufacturing Co., Doehler Die Castings Co., The Hammond Typewrited Co., and Parker Bros."
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