Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

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Re: Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

Post by DarylC »

Well, I think there was only 1 guy on Team Parker who shoots his Parker once a year and that was Dave D. The rest of us shoot them at the Southern too vs Team LCS. Thanks for the props my friend. I do enjoy shooting that 20g. It doesn't miss too many. :roll: I hear you, Smitty and Silvers are all going to qualify with Parkers next year!! :lol: :lol: :lol

Ok, so they shoot them twice a year. My bad. :twisted: I promise you next year Smitty, Frank and a new , highly trained squad of Fox shooters will make the maidens from Meriden shake their heads and ask what the hell just happened? :twisted:

BTW; Real men shoot 20ga. Welcome to the club.
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Re: Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

Post by Mike of the Mountain »

Well my friend, "I promise you next year Smitty, Frank and a new , highly trained squad of Fox shooters will make the maidens from Meriden shake their heads and ask what the hell just happened?" Looks like we have to make a wager on that!! Steak, twitching, au poivre sounds mighty tasty. :lol:
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Re: Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

Post by Silvers »

I heartily congratulate our Parker friends who just plain outshot the Fox team. I also believe that this year's loss to Parker was predictable to most anyone into competitive shooting. Consider that Parker added (two) Master Class level shooters and one gent who swings between AA and Master. At the same time the Fox team lost one Master who swung over to Parker along with another Master who would likely have been a Fox team member but he has a serious medical condition and didn't attend the event. I am beginning to like Craig's suggestion on one of the threads whereby each team is composed of a MIX of shooter levels and thus the Fox-Parker Challenge winner isn't determined by who can solicit or cajole the very best shooters "to qualify" for its team.

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Re: Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

Post by fox-admin »

Frank: Even Mike Smith did not shoot in the Main Event, his comment to me was why waste my money. Now you have some idea how us average shooter have felt about the whole competition thing. I would like to see a team composted of the 5 highest score shooters and five drawn from the other's who attempted to qualify, this would be the B team. 25 targets per man for the A&B teams. Total combined score wins. Fox against Parker, Fox against Lefever.
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Re: Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

Post by Silvers »

I didn’t shoot the Main either. Why waste 80 bucks considering who was competing. Craig, sounds like we’re about on the same wavelength. Good input for our new BOD Shooting Events Chairperson for consideration next year.
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Re: Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

Post by DarylC »

We are definitely on the same wavelength here guys. I felt the same way about the main so we all just shot some side games. I like Craig's idea about the A/B team but would'nt we be right back to the A team of Parker being stacked with Master class shooters. The same crap has spoiled the Southern P/LC challenge.

I'm not quite sure how to do it but maybe some type of handicap system or simply pick 5 random shooters from each team out of the people who shot for qualification. I still like some sort of Lewis class system. Or maybe, gasp, gasp, allow only members who don't shoot registered targets or as I suggested handicap them to make it more even. I will press for the qualification rounds to be shot on the 5 stand, just as we do for the Fox/Lefever,as this is much easier to control and keep track of scores and there will be a scorer in place. The SYO on the course does'nt sit well with me.

Please, any members following this thread feel free to give some input.
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Re: Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

Post by jimmartin »

This is a tough one, you have a event without classes, so you have average shooters against master class shooters ,no contest. I think you have to just draw 5 shooters out of all who try to qualify.
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Re: Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

Post by DarylC »

Thanks Jim, that's what I'm looking for and is the way we are leaning. Keep them coming guys (that includes you Jeff) :D
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Re: Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

Post by vaturkey »

Hope this works:

Winning Parker team. PS. Had one turncoat in the pic, but we still like him: Image
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Re: Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

Post by TOOL MAN »

Much more discussion to follow on this with both groups but FWIW, my thought is that we present 2020 FPC shooters with three options:

1) All ten spots are drawn randomly, five Fox and five Parker. Obviously, if someone chooses to shoot 4 rounds, they would receive 4 tickets (chances) to secure a spot on the Challenge squad. (My worry here, is that it might suppress the drive displayed by the more competitive shooters.)

2) Eight spots are drawn at random, four Fox, four Parker. The Top qualifier from the Fox and Parker Team receive an automatic bid.

3) Six spots are drawn at random, three Fox, three Parker. The Top-2 qualifiers from each team receive automatic bids.

My gut tells me either #2 or #3 is the way to go, allowing both the casual and competitive shooter a chance to make the Challenge Team. Thoughts????
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Re: Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

Post by Jeff S »

Good discussion. At least a couple of "random draws" would be fun. In my opinion, friendly, good-natured competion is what the trophy is all about. :)
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Re: Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

Post by Mike of the Mountain »

I'm good witth #3 if that's how you will proceed. I'm glad I haven't shot registered for 4 years (at least)!! WOOT WOOT!! As for turncoat, I graciously stepped aside from shooting for Fox to allow another slot to be open for Fox Nation to compete. Funny how when I shoot for Lefever nobody bashes me for being a Benedict Arnold!! That'll change in 2020 as I know some buddies buying Lefever guns. :D :twisted:

Gentlemen, it's all good. Nothing like some chestnuts roasting on a Parker wood stove!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

Post by Jeff S »

Back here in Michigan we have professional sports teams like the Lions and the Tigers. If we have a bad year, we simply say that this is a "rebuild season". While the Fox Team shot very well, the Parker guys emerged victorious. We'll just all have to train a little harder for next year. I also remember a quote from a great leader that I once knew, "The spouting whale gets the harpoon." Translated: hubris is always punished. :twisted:
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Re: Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

Post by Mike of the Mountain »

Jeff, I quote the perennial saying of Philly sport fans, “Next year!!”

I see the comments regarding the Main Event and guys deciding to not shoot it. There was nothing to qualify for shooting the Main. Am I missing something or is the complaint just about the cost?
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Re: Fox-Parker Challenge at VGC

Post by GradeIII »

At the risk of sounding like a jerk, it's called a contest because there are going to be winners and there are going to be losers. If it were simply a shooting celebration we wouldn't keep score.

I'm new to the group, but by looking at the past results it looks like Team Fox has had their share of success. I say let's not water it down. Let's send our best scorers to the front every year and give it our best try. It wasn't our year. Next year will hopefully be different. It gives us something to strive for. The next victory will feel that much sweeter.

Just my two cents.
Dana Farrell
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