VGC Attendees: Dust-Off those Fox Small Bores!!

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Jeff S
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Re: VGC Attendees: Dust-Off those Fox Small Bores!!

Post by Jeff S »

Double O wrote:For those of us who can’t attend the Vintager’s, give us some updates and tell us what we’re missing.
I spent Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at the Vintager's. I got up at 5:30 Monday morning and checked my blood pressure. It was the lowest it's been in ages. I stepped on the scale and was surprised to see that I had lost 4 lbs. 'nuff said. :)
Double O
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Re: VGC Attendees: Dust-Off those Fox Small Bores!!

Post by Double O »

Jeff S wrote:
Double O wrote:For those of us who can’t attend the Vintager’s, give us some updates and tell us what we’re missing.
I spent Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at the Vintager's. I got up at 5:30 Monday morning and checked my blood pressure. It was the lowest it's been in ages. I stepped on the scale and was surprised to see that I had lost 4 lbs. 'nuff said. :)
i guess for health reasons, we all should attend!
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