End of an era

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Mike of the Mountain
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End of an era

Post by Mike of the Mountain »

Sadly, today we said goodbye to Deacon Blue. He was our first and best Setter. An excellent bird dog and an even better companion. He was my buddy and will be missed by us all. Glad to have been able to hunt him twice last week. He performed like a champ and gave us no clue he was fading. Farewell Deacon, you set the bar for all the Setters that will follow you in our life.

Mike of the Mountain
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Re: End of an era

Post by Mike of the Mountain »

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Re: End of an era

Post by ROMAC »

That's tough Mike, sorry to hear.

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Re: End of an era

Post by vaturkey »

Sorry for your loss. They are family in oh so many ways.
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Re: End of an era

Post by Jim Cloninger »

Mike, I feel your sadness. How could Deacon be hunting last week and die so suddenly?
Goodbye Mandy, once in a life time hunting dog. I miss you every day.
Mike of the Mountain
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Re: End of an era

Post by Mike of the Mountain »

Jim, he was suffering from chronic kidney failure since summer. At that time our vet said 6-12 months. He was getting heart meds AM and PM due to his heart swelling from the kidney issue. Every other day we would give him 100ml of saline from a drip bag to help flush the toxins from his system and he got a piece of raw heart and liver twice a day to supplement his food. Vet said he'll be fine until he stops eating. Well, we hunted Saturday AM. He ate Saturday PM. Sunday he nibbled in the AM and PM, but nothing like usual. Then he wouldn't even eat raw meat or egg on any food since Sunday. He went to the vet and she put him down. It was time. I just thought he'd be around longer. Totally shocked as he hunted like a champ twice last week.
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Re: End of an era

Post by Researcher »

Sad to hear. Our sympathy to you and your family.

We are taking it day by day with Skitso. She will be 16 years and 5 months come Sunday.
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Re: End of an era

Post by fox-admin »

Sad day, sorry to hear. It's a heart ache we understand. Mike
Jim Cloninger
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Re: End of an era

Post by Jim Cloninger »

I really know how you feel, Mike. When I lost my dog Mandy to cancer, it was the worst day of my life and still is. I cry every time I think of her.
Goodbye Mandy, once in a life time hunting dog. I miss you every day.
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Re: End of an era

Post by Silvers »

Mike, I am SO VERY SORRY to hear about Deacon, and while I know it's very personal I wish I would have known about his med situation. I know well how Deacon lived for you, Susan and Tadd and I share your loss. I'll miss him greatly and always remember how he'd have his paws up on your club window when he'd see me drive in and looking for a massage and cookies. Best I can say is your Deacon is "taking a rest". You know what I mean. I am very sorry my friend. :cry:

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Re: End of an era

Post by Stan Hillis »

My condolences, Mike, on your loss. Only a hunting dog owner can feel that exact loss, and sympathize with it in the case of a friend's loss. It's an inevitable part of getting a hunting dog puppy. The only thing that can change it is for the owner to pass over first. I've seen the results of that as well, and it is heart-wrenching. I saw an owner's dog go to his master's fresh grave and lie on it constantly, for days and nights, obviously grieving, until the master's family finally came and took the dog with them. How that dog knew his master was underneath that fresh dirt is a mystery to me. It works both ways.

Blessings on your family, SRH
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Re: End of an era

Post by DarylC »

I remember the first time visiting the Rock clubhouse and being greeted by Deacon, him giving me the sniff test. I'm assuming I passed 'cause he let me in even though I reeked of Eau De Lab. Losing a pet is one thing but losing a hunting buddy takes it to a much higher level. I feel for you my friend.
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Mike of the Mountain
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Re: End of an era

Post by Mike of the Mountain »

Thanks guys. As high as I was about how Callie was coming along, this brought me right down. Hope to take Callie and Ghillie out for the first time together next week. I want to see how she hunts with another dog and Ghillie is good to go with 99.9% of any other dog. If she hunts/backs/retrieves like I know she is able to, then I have a new brace to guide with.

We were planning on breeding Callie and Deacon when she came into her next heat (any week now). We really wanted one of Deacons pups to carry on his skillset. Change of plans now on the way.
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Re: End of an era

Post by eightbore »

Sorry to hear the bad news, Mike. A bad year for both of us. Murphy
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Re: End of an era

Post by Foxnut »

Mike, sorry to hear about Deacon. Sounds like you were blessed with an awesome companion and were privledged to have a dog like that!! They become such a part of our lives/families it is very sad when the time comes to say goodbye!
Regards - Foxnut
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