New Britain Fox, CE16

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Re: New Britain Fox, CE16

Post by vaturkey »

Hopefully that one might work. Roger, post some pics of the engraving as it moves forward on the 2 barrel set. I know it will be flat out spectacular when done. PS. I talked to Dan this week about 2 different ones I have in Que. They are supposed to be started in Feb. One is simple and that's a new buttstock on an AE 16. Other is the XE upgraded 20 gauge using an original FOX XE small bore forearm I bought from Bobby a few years ago. That one will be pretty nice when completed and will bring a long gone XE back from the dead in an interesting way.
SXS ohio
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Re: New Britain Fox, CE16

Post by SXS ohio »

I have bought CSMC Oak and leather cases for my CSMC Fox guns with the up graded covers and all the goodies in gold. I feel they compliment the guns and everything is correct factory supplied items. The sets will be true collector items for your grand kids one day. Cost may be a little more than say a jeff outfitters or other quality cases you could buy. I do think that buying everything from CSMC is a better choice. Remember what you paid for the gun.....the gun deserves it. SXS Ohio
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Re: New Britain Fox, CE16

Post by 2lo8s »

fox-admin wrote:Very nice!!! How does it shoot?
First round Skeet, 24/25, dropped high 1.
Second round, 25 straight.

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Stan Hillis
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Re: New Britain Fox, CE16

Post by Stan Hillis »

Good scores. What kind of game birds will you use it to hunt?

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Re: New Britain Fox, CE16

Post by 2lo8s »

Quail and Dove.
The only Pheasant we have around here is "Put and Take" which I don't much care for.
Truth be told, it'll probably spend most of it's life on a Skeet field but I don't mind, it's fairly easy on the eye and a pleasure to shoot.

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