Fox newbie with a new sterling!!
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Fox newbie with a new sterling!!
Hello all, let me start out by saying this is my first post and I am a fox novice at best! I recently purchased a fox sterlingworth that was posted on another gun sight that I belong to. This is what I know it is a very very early pin gun SN 507xx and the seller states that is has ejectors instead of extractors which I found interesting. I read that the first 200 and 800 pin guns are somewhat more collectable and with ejectors even more??? from the photos that I have received the gun appears to be in decent shape. The only thing that seems off is that the grip cap is white most likely an imitation ivory added some years later. The original butt plate and brass screws remain in tact. case color looks mostly worn off but bbl bluing looks good. Top lever is right of center and and seller states that the ejectors work. Any info that could be shed on this old gun would be very much appreciated. This is my very first fox and I am very excited to receive it and learn more. I also plan on getting a fox letter for the gun.
Thank you in advance,
Thank you in advance,
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Re: Fox newbie with a new sterling!!
Looks like a nice example of a The Sterlingworth Co. "pin gun". The proper grip cap for a gun of that vintage was like this --
I don't know if anyone is reproducing that grip cap.
Later they used the grip on the left and finally the one on the right.
I don't know if anyone is reproducing that grip cap.
Later they used the grip on the left and finally the one on the right.
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Re: Fox newbie with a new sterling!!
Thank you for the info on the grip cap! I will have to keep my eyes pealed for a replacement. I may put one of the reproduction fox caps on from Connecticut shotgun for the time being instead of the white one.
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Re: Fox newbie with a new sterling!!
The early ones that are labeled as The Sterlingworth Co. are indeed harder to come by. It however it appears it not an ejector Sterlingworth as its missing the escutcheon on the forearm.
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Re: Fox newbie with a new sterling!!
I don't believe there is such a thing as a The Sterlingworth Co. ejector gun. The 1910 The Sterlingworth Co. catalog doesn't mention ejectors and only offers the 30-inch barrel STANDARD gun and the 28-inch barrel FIELD gun. The highest The Sterlingworth Co. serial number I've recorded is 53824 and the lowest serial number Sterlingworth Model 1911 I've recorded is 53140. The lowest serial number Sterlingworth Ejector guns I've recorded are in the 589xx range.
The 26-inch barrel BRUSH gun was added to the Sterlingworth offerings in the 1911 A.H. Fox Gun Co. "Campfire" catalog No. 24 --
along with the new 1911 F.T. Russell designed automatic ejectors.
The 16- and 20-gauges were added to the offerings in the 1912 "Campfire" Catalog No. 25 and the 32-inch barrel TRAP guns were added to the offerings in the 1913 "A Fox Gets the Game" catalog.
The 26-inch barrel BRUSH gun was added to the Sterlingworth offerings in the 1911 A.H. Fox Gun Co. "Campfire" catalog No. 24 --
along with the new 1911 F.T. Russell designed automatic ejectors.
The 16- and 20-gauges were added to the offerings in the 1912 "Campfire" Catalog No. 25 and the 32-inch barrel TRAP guns were added to the offerings in the 1913 "A Fox Gets the Game" catalog.
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Re: Fox newbie with a new sterling!!
Researcher, again thank you for the great information! As i said fox newbie! I have yet to receive the gun my uncle picked it up in KC last night and reported that it is a very nice shotgun. I was hoping that it was an ejector gun but after seeing that last two replies i do not believe it is unfortunately, still learning. However I am lead to believe that "the sterlingworth co." guns are still more desirable, is that correct? I feel that I gave a fair price for the shotgun at the end of the day and I think that it will go great with my single trigger, double ivory bead nitro special. I will be sending for a letter on this shotgun when i receive it and can't wait to get this old work horse back in the field. Also what was the original stock finish on these early guns?
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Re: Fox newbie with a new sterling!!
Certainly more desirable to have Sterlingworth Company marked Sterly's IMO, although condition trumps everything. Regarding stock finish, based on what your gun looks like I'd just consider doing nothing other then putting a good coat of wax on the stock. The are lots of wax out there, but many folks use Renaissance wax on their vintage guns. Just mask off the checkering with some painters tape first to avoid wax buildup there.
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Re: Fox newbie with a new sterling!!
I wouldn't get too excited about getting a letter on your newly acquired Fox gun. At most it will state when it was made and the barrel length, is that worth $35.00 to you beyond what you already know about your shotgun?medicmike3762 wrote:Researcher, again thank you for the great information! As i said fox newbie! I have yet to receive the gun my uncle picked it up in KC last night and reported that it is a very nice shotgun. I was hoping that it was an ejector gun but after seeing that last two replies i do not believe it is unfortunately, still learning. However I am lead to believe that "the sterlingworth co." guns are still more desirable, is that correct? I feel that I gave a fair price for the shotgun at the end of the day and I think that it will go great with my single trigger, double ivory bead nitro special. I will be sending for a letter on this shotgun when i receive it and can't wait to get this old work horse back in the field. Also what was the original stock finish on these early guns?
- Silvers
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Re: Fox newbie with a new sterling!!
Looking at your third pic, the break lever appears to be a little too far right which likely indicates someone installed a new locking bolt but without properly fitting it. You might want to get a good Foxsmith to look at that.
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Re: Fox newbie with a new sterling!!
Silvers, Thank you for your reply, and boy I hope you are wrong. Unfortunately for me you are probably not. Who would be a good fox smith? I live in the greater saint louis area. One reason I bought the shotgun without holding it was that pic....I really do not want to learn the hard way on my first fox. I will say that in my recent internet google picture research LOL, I have seen photos of top levers in the same position on fox guns, anyway live and learn I guess. Is there anyway to tell myself that the bolt has been replaced without taking it to a smith or not? Obviously any repair would need to be done at a smith.
Foxinthehenhouse, I also thought that the letter would tell you who it was shipped to and when it left the factory?
vaturkey, that is very good advise and I plan on following it, thank you.
Foxinthehenhouse, I also thought that the letter would tell you who it was shipped to and when it left the factory?
vaturkey, that is very good advise and I plan on following it, thank you.
- Silvers
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Re: Fox newbie with a new sterling!!
When properly fitted the very end of the break lever will be slightly right of centerline of the top tang. Farther right than that often indicates a replacement bolt/improperly fitted, maybe one of the factory reject bolts on the market, or possibly that someone has jimmied up the bolt camming slot in the barrel extension to get the lever farther right. Whatever, then when firing heavy loads the barrels will often pop open because the camming contact isn't proper. I do all my own mechanical work on Foxes but can recommend Brian Dudley (NY) and Dan Rossiter (PA) to inspect your gun once you get it and can discuss with one or the other. I see and talk with both of them at SxS shows and shoots. You can look up their contact information by using the search function (upper right hand corner). But with that said there are plenty of gents here who can step up to get you contact info for Brian or Dan, or alternately to recommend a gunsmith they've used for similar lockup work.
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Re: Fox newbie with a new sterling!!
Well, I finally picked up the sterling from my uncle yesterday and took it right to the skeet range.....I couldn't help myself!!! I was shooting my skeet hand loads that are all 3/4 oz so a very pleasant round to shoot out of a O/U or SxS. I have to admit that I was very nervous at station one. I called pull, bang, broke bird. Again pull and the bird broke almost effortlessly. Same goes for doubles and the rest of the course for that matter! It was a solid 24 missing low house single on 5 and that was without handicap! I couldn't believe it, and the gun functioned perfectly. All I could say to my buddy that was with me was WOW, this thing has soul! The way it points and swings is like nothing I have handled before. Now I know the LOP is super short for me as I am 6'4" but the drop at the butt is right on. hulls extracted easily and top lever had no issues. I was also able to tell that the rib extension was making 100% contact with the locking bolt by looking at contact points. I can honestly say that now I know why these old guns have such a following and I am hooked! Plus who doesn't love showing up with a 108 year old shotgun made in america by true craftsman and running the course!! I know I do! I have already ordered the correct grip cap from Jason at pumpkin mountain (what an excellent guy to deal with). there is one small ding in the right barrel mid way down but you can not see it from inside the barrel so I may just leave it for now. another pleasant surprise that I found was when i took the barrels off and found that they were 28" 4 weight! I do not know what the chokes are but the way it shot yesterday I don't much care, I am very happy and now addicted.....Thank you to everyone who has replied to help me on my new learning adventure and I look forward to seeking advise here in the future. This sight is a wealth of knowledge!!
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Re: Fox newbie with a new sterling!!
Mike, trust me. That won't be your last Fox. Its like Lay's potato chips. You can't have just one.
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Re: Fox newbie with a new sterling!!
FWIW, here are the top-lever positions on a couple of mint to near-mint Sterlingworths --
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