Fox 16g CE that sold over the weekend....

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Obsessed with Doubles
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Fox 16g CE that sold over the weekend....

Post by Obsessed with Doubles »

Did anyone make it up to the auction in Maine for the the Fox CE 16g?

Anyone know the story on it?

I didn't get to see it.


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Post by birdawg »

I did not go to the auction but it went for $6500 before the premium. It has a plug in the butt and the under rib from sling swivels and it has been refinished.
"I have more than I need, but not as many as I want"
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That explains it...

Post by Obsessed with Doubles »

I wondered why it went so cheap. It looks like the redo was well done, though.

Did you talk to them about it? Did they represent it as refinished?

I've dealt with them before and they were pretty ignorant (or not very forthcoming) about condition.


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Post by birdawg »

I was in Al.aska at the time, in and out of the back country,so communication was not that good. I will say I got a call the morning of the auction and they wanted to know if I understood the gun had a old refinish.
There were a couple of other things that bothered me.They sent me 10 photos or so and I couldn't get one showing the full length of the trigger guard even though I ask for it each time. Same with a front view of the muzzle.

It looked like a sweet field gun and likely someone got a good deal.
Personally being on the phone and not seeing the gun I thought it was too high a price for that gamble. I figured buy the time I would have paid the premium, ship,insurance I would be in the gun 7500 to 7750 which I felt was over the top for a gun I couldn't return. But that is just me and I need to keep some powder dry for some upcoming things such as bird season.
I hope who ever got the gun enjoys it but I wouldn't be surprised to see it on the web for a steal at 12K up :lol:
"I have more than I need, but not as many as I want"
"The search continues on many fronts"
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Obsessed with Doubles
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Post by Obsessed with Doubles »

Sounds like they're a bit slippery. I wondered if someone stuck that gun at that auction because it had problems and they were trying to sneak it onto unsuspecting buyers.

Last spring they had a 16g Fox CHE that was very messed up - mismatched bbls, refinished, etc. They said nothing about it and it went for pretty good money. I discovered its problems when I checked it out in person.

I think Julia's has an all original 16g Fox CE with a straight grip coming up in October. Too much money for me, though.

Take care,

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