Dating a Savage/AHF from a serial #

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Dating a Savage/AHF from a serial #

Post by ViperR »

Hey all,
I had to replace the trigger guard on my '28 12 ga Sterlingworth I got from my dad. It was quite damaged. I found one on GB under the heading "Savage/AH Fox trigger guard". When I got it, it looked identical. The engraving matched the original, threads were the same, everything lined up and looks great right down to the bluing/case hardening finish with the serial # engraved, too.
How can I find what year this was from and model? The number on the guard is 67641. I've searched the net and came up blank. I also looked under this forums links and suggested attachments, but nothing helped.
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Re: Dating a Savage/AHF from a serial #

Post by vaturkey »

If the engraving is the same the latest triggerguard is also from a Sterlingworth. The new replacement one was probably made circa 1913. The attached has been proven wrong on more then one occasion, but its all we have available short of ordering a letter on the exact date the gun was made.
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Re: Dating a Savage/AHF from a serial #

Post by ViperR »

Yep, that's it! You've found it. I was searching under Savage. No wonder I was having trouble. Gosh, the guard is 15 years older than my 116XXX six digit Sterlingworth.
I guess I got a good price at $22 shipped. Thank you so much!
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