Fox Gun Company

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Fox Gun Company

Post by bk5247 »

I have recently acquired Fox Gun Company 12 Ga, A Grade, SN 799. Does anyone have, or know of a higher numbered Fox Gun Company Gun? Any info available on Fox Gun Company guns would be welcome and appreciated.
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Re: Fox Gun Company

Post by Researcher » ... imore.html

Since our history above was done we've also recorded serial number 901. Would like to see some pictures of 799 and what is the barrel length so I can add it to my table of observed examples. Also, how about the chamber length? Several of these guns have been found to have 3 1/4 inch chambers, for the longest 12-gauge paper shells available back in the day.
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Re: Fox Gun Company

Post by bk5247 »

Barrel length is 30" with 3.25 chambers and good to excellent bores. Is in decent condition considering it's age and general lack of care. However, has been blued in the past with 50% bluing loss revealing the Twist Pattern. Is a good candidate for restoration. Will try to send photo later. Gun is currently with gunsmith having repair to safety. Thanks for your response to my inquiry.
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