OT---Shorthairs Need a Home!!

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OT---Shorthairs Need a Home!!

Post by TOOL MAN »


I’m trying to help out a good buddy who is down-sizing his life and moving to South Carolina. He has made the gut-wrenching decision that his dogs will not make the trip.

Bruce’s story is inspirational. For the past 25 years, he has rescued German Shorthairs from the brink of certain death, granting them a new lease on life and in turn, transforming them into top-notch bird dogs. Now we need one more rescue to complete the circle.

“Sam” and “Diamond” are two of his finest. They are 7 year old males, currently living in Connecticut, both of whom possess the classic GSP disposition; affectionate and playful until they hit the uplands-- then it’s all business.

They are close to medium working dogs, intense pointers who also back and retrieve. I’ve had the pleasure of hunting pheasants behind these two for the past several years and have many fond memories of their statuesque points and heart-pounding, double points. Both are very biddable and while they do wear training collars out hunting, thanks to Bruce’s diligent, obedience training they respond promptly to voice commands.

These are not high-octane, field trial ‘rockets’ that will bolt as soon as they’re off the leash. Quite the opposite, in fact. Thanks to an invisible fence, these dogs have lived outside their entire lives and spend nights in a slick, kennel set-up that’s all part of the deal. They are a joy to be around and like most rescues, have a zest for life in knowing they by-passed the exit for the Rainbow Bridge. If not for my wife’s acute, late-in-life allergies we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

And don’t be at all fooled by Sam’s pre-mature greying. He’s ripped like an Elhew and will run hard, all day long!

The best case scenario would be to keep the pair together. Although not litter mates, they have been inseparable for the past 5 years. Naturally, Bruce would prefer they go to a hunting home.

So here’s your chance to adopt two, mature, fully trained hunting companions (without all the hassles/ angst of puppydom) ready to rock this season.

The dogs, the kennels and their supplies are FREE to the right person.
If interested, please email me at cambo6789@gmail.com and I’ll connect you with Bruce.

Let’s try to make his one last rescue a reality.-----SC



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Re: OT---Shorthairs Need a Home!!

Post by SmithShady »

Well, I thought I'd update this thread and let everyone know that Sam & Diamond have found a new home. :) I took a side trip after visiting family in Maryland over Fathers day and drove up to Connecticut to get them. I reached out to Steve when this post originally popped up, and then talked to him again at Hausmann's about adopting these two. Long story short, things worked out and timing couldn't have been better with my trip to MD. I spent Fathers day with Steve and Bruce and the dogs, getting acquainted. Many thanks to Steve and Lisa for feeding me, and for helping me to break down their Kennels and load up their dog houses in the 6x12 foot trailer I hauled up there and back. Monday morning was tough for Bruce, having to let go of these two, but I reassured him they are going to stay together, and will certainly be spending a lot of time in the field. What should have been a 10 hour drive ended up being 14 with traffic, but we made it home and the dogs are adjusting just fine. My son is in love with them, and they're acclimating well to the heat and humidity of the south. Needless to say, I'm really looking forward to the start of hunting season.

ImageFirst Meeting by Mike Smith, on Flickr

ImageNew Best Friends by Mike Smith, on Flickr

ImageOn the Picnic Table by Mike Smith, on Flickr

ImageBen & Sam by Mike Smith, on Flickr

ImageDiamond by Mike Smith, on Flickr
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Re: OT---Shorthairs Need a Home!!

Post by Jim Cloninger »

Mike, I apploud you for giving these 2 dogs a new home. I know you will not regret it and will have some terrific hunting with these 2 dogs. Jim
Goodbye Mandy, once in a life time hunting dog. I miss you every day.
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Re: OT---Shorthairs Need a Home!!

Post by simcgunner »

Good job. I'm glad these two dogs got to go to a new home and got a Kid in the deal too. Well done to all
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Re: OT---Shorthairs Need a Home!!

Post by Silvers »

Proud of you Mike, and so very happy for all of you. The Leatherstocking's words in Cooper's The Pioneers come to mind ..... "that dog is more to be trusted than many a Christian man, for he never forgets a friend and loves the hand that gives him food". Written almost 200 years ago and still rings true, probably more so today than then.

Happy ending! Thank you Tool Man Steve.
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Re: OT---Shorthairs Need a Home!!

Post by Researcher »

Good on ya Mike!! Where shall we meet in the Dakotas?
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Re: OT---Shorthairs Need a Home!!

Post by Twice Barrel »

Every good bird dog deserves a good home with a boy to love them.
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Re: OT---Shorthairs Need a Home!!

Post by TOOL MAN »

WHOA, what an emotional week! I'm still recovering. First, saying goodbye to my two favorite dogs and then to my good friend and bird hunting buddy on Saturday.

I don't have to tell you guys how traumatic it was for Bruce to let "Sam" and "Diamond" go but he was so, so relieved that Mike stepped-up and will provide these two with all the love, care and hunting time they deserve. As expected he had a rough week, walking out to the kennels several times each day to check on them, realizing it was the first time in over 40 years he was dog-less.

Those pictures say it all! We never met Ben but Lisa and I knew he'd have two new buddies right quick!!

It was and is a BEAUTIFUL THING and in the midst of it all I heard that familiar voice say, "Pull your head out of your arrrrse Cambo, there's a beautiful story to tell here!!" More news at 11.
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Re: OT---Shorthairs Need a Home!!

Post by gwsmith »

Great story and pictures - glad these could find a new home together.
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Re: OT---Shorthairs Need a Home!!

Post by jolly bill »

Good for you Mike.

Everyone, including the dogs, look very happy.

What could be better?
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Re: OT---Shorthairs Need a Home!!

Post by Ithaca1 »

You have to love the smile on the young mans face as he pets both of them. I'm sure that smile will emerge again when he hunts behind those two!
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Re: OT---Shorthairs Need a Home!!

Post by birdawg »

Well done.
Thanks for good news.
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