1934 retail price list and cat

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1934 retail price list and cat

Post by R.R. »

A friend of mine recently came across a Lynn Bogue Hunt catalog containing a 1934 Retail price list.
We were curious as to if anyone ever reproduced this catalog?
Or if there are any tell tale signs of it being a 'repro'?
This catalog is in near mint condition.
I could post pictures if it helps.
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Re: 1934 retail price list and cat

Post by Researcher »

Back in the 1970s, Lightner Library did a reproduction of the catalogue Savage used from 1931 to 1934 with a red cover --


It has the undated price list that equates to 1932 printed on the inside of the front cover. It has subsequently been redone with several other color covers. Oddly at least three interior pages have the gun pictures from the 1939 or later catalogues?!?

To my knowledge no one has done a reproduction with the original black craft paper covers with the Lynn Bogue Hunt print an applique as on the originals --


Also, in the originals the duck scenes along the tops of the pages and the stocks and forearms of the guns are done in sepia tones. These beautiful catalogues Savage used from 1931 to 34 are probably the most common Fox catalogues out there. They seem to appear on Ebay pretty regularly. Often the Retail Price list that is with the catalogue draws more money then the catalogue itself. The undated Retail Price lists that equate to 1931 and 1932 seem to be the most common, with the June 21, 1932; March 15, 1933 and the March 1, 1934 being harder to come by.
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Re: 1934 retail price list and cat

Post by R.R. »

Thanks Dave.
I always appreciate your help, as do others that don't bother to say 'Thanks'.
It seemed like I had seen some off color examples, but wasn't sure if I was remembering one of the other maker's off color repros.
I think that he made a nice find.
March 1934 retail prices.
Not the best pics.

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