Ammo - HELP!!!!

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Jeff S
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Ammo - HELP!!!!

Post by Jeff S »

Okay guys, I need suggestions. For 10 months I've been planning on shooting a couple of mallards and wood ducks with my 12 ga. A grade. As all of you know, RTS has been out of nontoxic shells for a long time. I figured, no problem, I'll just buy some bismuth shells. I couldn't find them at the local Cabela's store so I went on line. Holy Crap! They are on back order and the expected delivery time is 10 weeks. The Michigan duck season will be over before I get the shells. Does any one have a box of shells that they can loan me?

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Jeff S
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Re: Ammo - HELP!!!!

Post by Jeff S »

Thanks Marcus! I placed the order. I'll save you a drum stick.
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Marcus R
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Re: Ammo - HELP!!!!

Post by Marcus R »

You're welcome Jeff.
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