New member looking for advice

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New member looking for advice

Post by gunguy45 »

Hello fellow enthusiasts,

I've visited here in the past, but have never registered. I think this must be the best source of information I've found.

Basically, my issue is this...

I have a AH Fox AE grade in 16 ga (Though for the life of me I can't remember why I came up with AE, the only markings I can find now are A. Possibly due to the engraving, safety, triggers, and other options?) that was given to my father back in the 30's or so, on the condition he never sell it, but to gift it to someone else. I was next, but I think it's time for me to pass it on to my nephew who is the last male member of my family. A Captain in the Army with 2-3 tours in THOSE places.

Since I help run a DIY site, I think more info is better than less. It has #3 barrels, IC and Full I believe, metal front bead, double triggers, individual ejectors, half pistol grip,splinter forend, original butt pad (though slightly deformed after all these years). The wood has some gouges and scars since as a stupid teenager I had no idea of the history of this beautiful gun. I used it for quail, pheasant, and rabbit back in the Ohio woods and fields. It has normal usage wear on the metal but has never been refinished to my knowledge. It also has a "Leg-o-Lamb" case that holds everything broken down in canvas sleeves as well a wooden segmented cleaning rod. The case is in very poor shape, at least all the leather hinges and straps are, but I believe it is original to the era?

As I got older and after 24 yrs in the Navy, I migrated to handguns and rifles for the most part, and now only shoot handguns at the ranges.

I'm not expecting any valuation here...but could you give me a reliable person that might be able to do that and also is Mr Callahan still doing the letters? When I gift it, I'd like to give as much history as I can.

I've never felt such a well balanced shotgun and I will hate to see it out of my safe...but I think it's time.

Thank you so much for your assistance.

Big Friend Ten
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Re: New member looking for advice

Post by Big Friend Ten »

Hey Shipmate!

Great gun, a AH Fox AE ejector gun!

I have a suggestion, rather than a Callahan letter, buy your nephew a membership to this AH Fox Collectors Association. With is one receives (1) free order card (copy) per year. The order card contains all or darn near all of the information that one will receive on a letter. Membership to the AHFCA provides a wealth of information and overwhelming camaraderie from fellow Fox enthusiasts! I think the leader of this bunch was a submariner or something... Nevertheless, for $30 (annual) your nephew will be on his way to greatness or insanity, whichever comes first!

USMC retired
USS TRIPOLI (during Desert Storm)
Stan Hillis
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Re: New member looking for advice

Post by Stan Hillis »

Welcome to the Fox site, Vic. Your confusion about why you thought it was an AE, and not just an A, is not unusual, but simple to clear up. As Mark said, it is an AE, and not an A, if it has ejectors ("E" is for ejectors). Ejectors are what they are called if they physically eject, or"throw", the empty out of the chamber. Extractors are the other option, and they simply lift both shell heads clear of the chambers, enough for you to remove them by hand.

Sounds like a very nice Fox. We'd love to see some pictures of her, if possible. You weren't a stupid teenager just because you put some marks on the gun while hunting with it. Ansley H. would have heartily approved, I'll bet. I sure do, FWIW.

I heartily second Mark's suggestion to buy your nephew a membership here. If, after a year, he finds it not worth his time he has no strings attached. BTW, very big of you to pass the gun on to a young enthusiast, IMO.


P.S. Thanks for your service in the Navy. I was a USN "Airdale" myself, VA 205.
Big Friend Ten
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Re: New member looking for advice

Post by Big Friend Ten »

Stan Hillis wrote: P.S. Thanks for your service in the Navy. I was a USN "Airdale" myself, VA 205.

I did not know that you were a sailor! That explains why you are such an outstanding person, citizen, and all around good guy!

Stan Hillis
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Re: New member looking for advice

Post by Stan Hillis »

Thanks, Mark.

Could you please say that I didn't pay you to say that? I'd like to forward it to my wife. :wink:

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Re: New member looking for advice

Post by gunguy45 »

Thank you for the warm welcome. I do realize that my Fox was just a slightly fancy field grade gun and was intended to be used as one, so I don't feel too bad about the wear and tear. Life leaves us all with scars, right? Actually, other than maybe the original owner, I probably used it more than my father ever did. He didn't hunt (even though we lived on 90 acres in OH) but used it occasionally for things like rabid skunks and possums in the hen house (lost a few hens til he got a .22). It was given to him by the owner of a gas station he worked at in CO back in the 30's (I think) on the conditions I described earlier. In the early 70's a hunter (we allowed hunting if people only asked and respected our property and livestock) was shown Dads gun and came back the next week offering to trade for a Weatherby Patrician that he had. Apparently he was a AHF collector and had a matched set in 12 and 20 but had never been able to find a 16. Of course, back then I thought the Weatherby was beautiful compared to the Fox. You know, that shiny stock finish and I think some "engraving" and possibly a ventilated rib? Thankfully my Dad turned him down and he passed it on to me as he became aged and I became a bit more mature.

And thank you also for the clarification on the AE vs A. I'm sure that's what I had found previously somewhere.

I think I may just buy the membership for myself as my nephew is not a "gun person" except for the military requirements. He's a triathlete and a West Point grad but not a sportsman or collector. He had no wish for any of my handguns and the shotgun only because it's a family heirloom and part of our history. It's also a complication with military moves since some places he's been have very strict regulations on firearms. I have no other relatives other than my older sister and estranged older brother who have no interest in it. Perhaps when nephew and his relatively new wife decide it's family time he can pass it on to them down the line.

I may get the letter as well as joining I said, the more info the better. RE my earlier question, is there anyone that could be recommended for a value? I'm not sure if that is against site rules. The last I checked it was in the $3500 range with a bit of a premium for the case even in bad condition.

I'm not sure how to post pictures, this place uses different software than I'm familiar with. Any advice?

Finally, I was in from '76-'00. Mostly amphibs (so lots of Marines) but I also worked with NATO, USCG, USA, SEALs, USAF...pretty varied career compared to most.

Thanks again for the welcome. Kind of funny, we have a Stan and a Mark on my DIY website as
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