Re: Found a Fox Gun Co Balto Md (more photo's)

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Re: Found a Fox Gun Co Balto Md (more photo's)

Post by gt8977c »


I am a new member on the forum, but I have been lurking here occasionally for a few months.

I finally found something worth posting about this weekend at the Wanamaker Gun Show in Tulsa.

I went looking for a Sterlingworth Co roundside pin gun. Maybe even a Wayne Junction gun.

So when I saw this gun on the table with the recessed hinge pin, a round side to the frame and a tag that said Fox I was feeling pretty good about it.
Then I rolled it over and saw the ribbon with Fox Gun Co Balto Md USA inside. Kind of takes you breath away when you stumble across pure un-obtainium.

I called my dad over and just handed it to him to see the look on his face when he realized what he was holding. That look was priceless.

The dealer has a pretty reasonable price on the gun, but Dad offered him about 2/3 of the tag price and amazingly he accepted. That's when I reminded Dad that I found it, and that I had the cash in my pocket. So officially, I bought the gun, but it is going to live in Dad's safe with it's Fox descendents, hopefully for a long time.

Here's a few specs: 30" twist barrels, making it an A grade (but there is no grade marking). Marked with the 6/30/96 patent date. 12 ga, 3 1/4" chambers, mid rib bead, locks up tight, bright bores, no rust, no pits, one tiny dent in left barrel. Receiver has mostly faded case colors. Stock has been re-finished and cut to a 13.5" LOP with a new pad.

I contacted "Researcher" and this is a new entry in his list. Making the total 19 known guns.

All in all it's in great shape. And I could not be happier.




Last edited by gt8977c on Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
jolly bill
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Re: Found a Fox Gun Co Balto Md

Post by jolly bill »

Nice find. Aren't many of the Fox Gun Co. Balto MD guns around.

Would you mind posting the SN and if you'd like, what you paid for it.

And Welcome and thanks for the pictures.

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Re: Found a Fox Gun Co Balto Md

Post by gt8977c »


Thanks for the welcome. The gun is SN 16X.

Last edited by gt8977c on Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Found a Fox Gun Co Balto Md

Post by Mills »

That is a great find!
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Re: Found a Fox Gun Co Balto Md

Post by bbman3 »

Looks to be in great condition.I had an A grade but not as nice as yours.Keep posting,glad to have you. Bobby
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Re: Found a Fox Gun Co Balto Md

Post by gt8977c »

The receiver condition is surprisingly good given the guns age.

There are a few "freckles" on the top edge of the breach balls, but that is about it.

They don't really show well in the photo's I posted, but above the ribbon banner are two small silver spots.
They stand proud of the metal and I think they are drops of silver solder.
The fore end iron has had some solder applied to the face that the latch spring contacts to tighten the fit.
I suspect that whoever did it had the receiver sitting on the bench at the same time and somehow managed to splatter solder on the receiver.

Some day when I am feeling brave, I will see if they can be knocked off.
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Re: Found a Fox Gun Co Balto Md (more photo's)

Post by gt8977c »

Here are a couple of more pictures. The matting on the rib is very fine, it must be 40+ LPI.



Last edited by gt8977c on Mon May 04, 2015 10:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Found a Fox Gun Co Balto Md (more photo's)

Post by Gleedaniel13 »

Wooooowwwwwwwwww! Great you found something nice. Dreaming to have a rifle like that.
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