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Fox Collectors
The Fox Collectors forum was founded in 2006 to stimulate interest in the history and production of Fox shotguns. We believe you will enjoy our forum and learn more about the rich history of Fox shotguns.
NO ITEMS MAY BE POSTED FOR SALE ON THIS FORUM or direct references to items for sale. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: A personal item that’s obviously for sale or would appear to be for sale; or if a link is posted to some other site where the item is for sale. Please note that references to items posted elsewhere are ok for discussion as long as a direct link is not included. Any "Wanted to Buy" posts are not allowed and will be removed. The moderators will delete any posts that are deemed offensive, abusive or slanderous in nature. Commercial operations or businesses may not advertise nor appear to advertise their products or services, either directly, or indirectly by a second party, except for simple reference as a source for such products or services
A great gathering of Trap guns took place at Hidden Hollow this weekend, 7 J's and one L. Wow!! Enjoy Craig
Lto R: Paul Plunkett, Frank Silvers, Bill Murphy, Tome Wyraz, Steve Cambria
I feel your pain. I have looked at these guns for fifty years, saw three acceptable purchases, let two go by, finally bought the round grip gun fourth from the right on the rack. It is a 32" gun, #400,176, with original leather faced Silvers pad, loaded up with color, original stock finish, surface tarnish on last fourth of barrel. I could have bought the last J Grade, #400,568 and/or the GAM L Grade for peanuts when it first came out, and just didn't do it. At least I have a nice one after all these years. I wonder who has the GAM gun today?
I have since found another relatively unused J Grade to add to the mix. I notice there are a few other Fox guys who have added singles to their collections. If we have another single barrel gettogether, I look for at least a dozen to show. Craig, thanks for those great shots.