Restocked Sterlingworth 20 Gauge Ejector

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Restocked Sterlingworth 20 Gauge Ejector

Post by vaturkey »

Did some horsetrading with Brian Dudley who does a lot of work for the Parker guys. I had a PH 12 gauge that Brian liked and I had a late model Sterlingworth that came with a factory beavertail that I just didn't like the feel of. Long story short, I found a mid grade chunk of English and Brian made me a new stock, round knob, splinter forearm. Took a bit of drilling in the stock, but he got it balanced on the hingepin. Weight it 6 lbs even. Gun feels real good as Brian made it to fit my measurements. Anyway, enjoy. Gun looks better then it shows with my lousy pictures, but one gets an idea.

Where we started:


Where we got:






PS. I have the original stock and forearm as well. Brian was able to use a factory pattern stock he had in the inventory to duplicate.
Big Friend Ten
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Re: Restocked Sterlingworth 20 Gauge Ejector

Post by Big Friend Ten »

Oooo! Ahhhh! That's a nice grouse gun!!!
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Re: Restocked Sterlingworth 20 Gauge Ejector

Post by CJB964 »

Really nice work. I think they look great with unrestored metal and new lumber, particularly if it's fitted to your specs. Forget about the Parker...Another wise member told me, "ALWAYS a good idea to sell an LC in pursuit of a fox"
Mike of the Mountain
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Re: Restocked Sterlingworth 20 Gauge Ejector

Post by Mike of the Mountain »

Sure is a sweet looking 20 there!!
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Re: Restocked Sterlingworth 20 Gauge Ejector

Post by Goldenfox »

Wow! That is one fine looking gun. I really like it when someone takes the time to restore and upgrade a gun. Nice wood for middle of the road type. It looks to be an ejector...and added bonus. I have a 12 and a 16 SW that I am upgrading...or, rather my gunsmith and I are upgrading. A 20 ejector SW is on my bucket list, and it will be upgraded too.
fox shooter
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Re: Restocked Sterlingworth 20 Gauge Ejector

Post by fox shooter »

I've been working on my SW 16 and trying to come up with a low sheen finish. Took the advice of a member and tried the Dembart oil. Seems to have a little gloss to it, if I rub it on thin I get dry spots. I sanded lightly first and left the previous finish on as a filler. Had the gun refinished 8 yrs. ago with a tung oil finish. Should I have stripped it completely and started sanding the oil in from the start? At the rate I'm going I won't have it done in time for quail season. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated, I also have a SW 12 I need to get started on soon.
Chris, AZ
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Re: Restocked Sterlingworth 20 Gauge Ejector

Post by bbman3 »

Tom,I really like it! Chris rub a coat on,then take a clean paper towel or cotton cloth and rub as much finish off as you can.Let dry a couple days and repeat.It will build up a nice dull sheen in time,may take 8 or 10 coats.If gets too sticky before you rub it off,just put new oil on and oil will rub off easily. Bobby
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Re: Restocked Sterlingworth 20 Gauge Ejector

Post by fox shooter »

Thanks Bobby, that's the Dembart's oil you're talking about? Maybe that's what I was doing wrong. Do I need to steel wool in between or just apply and wipe each coat? I really like that gun you restocked. I was wondering how the Dembart's holds up as a finish? Thanks again for all your help. I wish I could spend a month or so working with a great stock man and learn the ins and outs of the trade. This 20ga here is a sweet looking little gun!
fox shooter
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Re: Restocked Sterlingworth 20 Gauge Ejector

Post by fox shooter »

Bobby, I took the 000steel wool pad to my "shinny" stock and started over. Great tip, 1 coat and it already looks promising. I wanted to ask, after rubbing the oil on, do you allow it to sit for a few minutes or rub it off right after it's applied? Thanks again for all your helpful tips!
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Re: Restocked Sterlingworth 20 Gauge Ejector

Post by vaturkey »

Realized all my old photos are gone. Since we have our own server now, I thought I'd post at least one. This particular Fox has been tweaked more then a bit at this point. After the initial restock I determined it was too thick in the wrist area and I wanted to have the shape tweaked a bit. Tasked Dan Rossiter with doing the work and also adding an ebony inlet as well. Finally this past 6 months I decided since it really wasn't a Sterly at that point, I wanted to tweak it more and had Dan's Brother engrave it as second generation A grade. Once its all together the screws with be tweaked also. Also had Dan reshape the top lever so it was like an early Fox lever. After Dan tweaked it, it lost 3 ounces of weight. Just about perfect now. Will be headed to Michigan in October.

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Re: Restocked Sterlingworth 20 Gauge Ejector

Post by ROMAC »

Nice Tom,

This your new "rainy day" gun?
"Somehow, the sound of a shotgun tends to cheer one up" -- Robert Ruark
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Re: Restocked Sterlingworth 20 Gauge Ejector

Post by vaturkey »

ROMAC wrote:Nice Tom,

This your new "rainy day" gun?
It is indeed my rainy day gun Roger. :)

FWIW, I've been carrying this gun post tweaking but pre-engraving for about 2 years. Dan's brother took care of the heavy lifting on the engraving. Dan is basically putting it back together and also putting it back on Face. I think before I got it, it had been shot a fair amount. Enough so it had enough play in the action that it needed some tightening as they say. Should be good for another 50 plus years after this. PS. John Gillette did the case hardening.
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