Abner, when editing the video I was surprised that the sound of the gun going off wasn't overpowering compared to the rest of the audio. I didn't do anything to the audio on this video except add the music. My guess is that the camera is filtering out extremely loud noises and normalizing the sound, which kind of makes sense based on what this camera was designed for.
Craig, they make several mounts for dogs, either on a vest or on the collar. There is a company called "Capture Your Hunt" that makes them. What you realize after getting one of these cameras, is that it would really be cool to own several. They emit their own WiFi signal and up to 50 cameras can be controlled with a single remote, which is also waterproof. So, you could mount a camera on yourself, one in your blind, and one on your dog and start them all with a single button. Pretty cool stuff.
ROMAC, if you want to mount the gun on your Fox and try it out, I used the Roll Bar mount from GoPro to put the camera on the barrels. The one problem with doing so (other than not being able to see

) is that the camera folds under the recoil, and I was fighting to keep it adjusted all day. The same company I mentioned above makes a $4 "keeper" that screws in and steadies the camera on the base. I've ordered one, but haven't tried it out yet.
Tool, that wink is trying to look under and around the camera, as well as 30 years of a bad habit that I'm afraid I'm too set in my ways to break!

Even with the wink and a camera directly in the sight plane, I still hit my share of butts, bellies and beaks.
"Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks." - Thomas Jefferson