Sterlingworth Pin Gun

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Sterlingworth Pin Gun

Post by Sneem »

I just ran across a Sterlingworth pin gun. It was in pretty nice shape with a few small rust spots on the breech end of one barrel. Otherwise it seemed in pretty nice shape; a few dings etc in the wood, the finish was good and it even had some good case coloring. Might have been refinished a while back but it looked good and was tight.
I know you can't put a value on it, but I am wondering is there a premium on pin guns as compared to a Philly Sterlingworth in similar shape?

Thanks, Sneem
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Re: Sterlingworth Pin Gun

Post by Researcher »

It is not like Sterlingworth "pin guns" are rare. There were nearly 12000 of them made. If there is a "premium" it is pretty slight. Perhaps a bit more premium for the first few hundred with the Wayne Junction address on the left barrel.
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