2X Bo-Whoop Champion George Griscom passes

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2X Bo-Whoop Champion George Griscom passes

Post by Silvers »

I read earlier today on the L. C. Smith site that George S Griscom (Buddy) passed on October 13. George was our Bo Whoop Long Range Shoot Champion in 2010 and again in 2011. George was a Life Member of the L. C Smith Collectors and also a member of the AHFCA. I'll post the LCS link here below.

I first met George in 2010 while at the NE Classic Side by Side when he came over to our Bo-Whoop shooting butt and started talking guns. I quickly came to know that this soft spoken man was someone I would like. He was down to earth and knew what he talked about without having to try to impress me. He later went on to win the B-W Champion title using of all things a 28" Sterlingworth that he bought earlier that day. He told me it would be going to his grandson. George came by later and signed up as an AHFCA member, and although I don't recall the exact words he used, he told me he'd only go for a year to year signup. I later learned George was a keen shot and was well thought of by his LCS comrades. I next saw George at the Southern in 2011, and later at our 2011 B-W Long Range Shoot. I'd like to share a personal glimpse here..... I wasn't running the shoot in 2011 and I was able to compete. While sitting at the butt George confided to me that he had terminal cancer and that would probably be his last year at Hausmann's. I tried to pump him up and he thanked me, but he said he knew his days were short and was at peace. As it turned out, the next day George and I were in the shoot-off for the BW Trophy and after he won using a 32" SW, he asked me if I had let him win? I told George then and I will say it again, I did my very best and he just plain shot better than me, end of story.

My most sincerere condolences to his family, and to Champion George, rest in peace. Frank

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Re: 2X Bo-Whoop Champion George Griscom passes

Post by fox-admin »

Frank: Thanks for the post regarding our friend. I have posted a picture of George (on the left) at the Fall 2011 Bo-Whoop
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Re: 2X Bo-Whoop Champion George Griscom passes

Post by TOOL MAN »

Very nice tribute, Frank. Wish we could have had the chance to get to know George a little better but "the big-C" is often cruel in that regard. No doubt, a real "salt-of-the-earth" gentleman. I remember how effortlessly he crushed those hellish BW targets with his trusty 28" Sterly. No fuss, no fanfare-----just a great instinctive shooter. He told me he had been carrying that gun since he was a teenager and it showed. " Beware the man with one gun....."
Glad his name is etched on our BW trophy. A fitting epitaph for a quiet champion.-----TOOL
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Re: 2X Bo-Whoop Champion George Griscom passes

Post by HIGH$TRAP »

Frank, Thanks for your post, I had the pleasure of shooting the course with George at Hausmann's, he was indeed a fine shot and a true gentalman.
He will be missed by all those who knew him. Bob
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