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Re: CSMC Fox

Post by jolly bill »


That is one fine looking XE with a great piece of walnut.

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Re: CSMC Fox

Post by 2lo8s »

I traded for my CSMC Fox. I gave a restored and restocked Parker CHE 12.
I've never been into a gun so "right".
XE Special, 20 gauge, 26" Full/Mod, exhibition wood, skeletal butt, Krupp barrels, 5lb 11oz, 98%+
I'm loading 3/4 oz loads with a spreader disc insert and shooting 23's and 24's at Skeet.
I'm thinking about choke work to make it more Skeet and Quail friendly.
Thanks for all the info.
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Re: CSMC Fox

Post by kgb »

fox-admin wrote: Here are a few pictures of my 1998 XE. I paid $11k, it's depreciated a lot less than my Toyota!
Admin, I know you're not looking at selling your beautiful gun, but what would you guess its value to be today? Or, for that matter, the 2001 XE at Robin Hollow listed at 16k, what would you consider its true depreciated worth (beyond the understood "what someone is willing to pay").
Last edited by kgb on Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Bore, n. Shotgun enthusiast's synonym for "gauge" ; everybody else's synonym for "shotgun enthusiast." - Ed Zern
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Re: CSMC Fox

Post by fox-admin »

kgb: My guess is I could get close to my 11K out of the gun but not sure if that is realistic. I bought mine to use and I have the dents and scratches to prove it. The gun has been to North Dakota many times, Texas three times for bobs and blues, grouse hunting close to home, early season ducks at home, Argentina three times for doves and tons of clays. It has been soaking wet, and I fell a few times with it grouse hunting. Many CSMC Foxes never see the outdoors, my gun has all the beauty marks of a active life. I still have a few decades left of active life (God willing) so I expect it to have more character before it finds a home in my son's gun cabinet.
Would I subject a high condition Philly XE 20ga to those conditions, no way! Enjoy yours, they are great guns.
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Re: CSMC Fox

Post by kgb »

Thanks, I likewise use every gun I own. I worry more about something happening to one of them when traveling than while hunting with them, have been lucky so far in that the guns I've actually fallen on were not harmed---although the rifle lost its cheap scope when I fell on it against a boulder. :oops:

Bore, n. Shotgun enthusiast's synonym for "gauge" ; everybody else's synonym for "shotgun enthusiast." - Ed Zern
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