Safety resets after each shot

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Safety resets after each shot

Post by spyder »

The safety on my early C grade slides back down to the on position after each shot. (Top lever not touched. Also, it's definitely is caused by my thumb being on the slide when I shoot). Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Re: Safety resets after each shot


Push it forward before you shoot.

(just kiddin, couldnt resist)

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Re: Safety resets after each shot

Post by Stan Hillis »

Is it easy enough to slide that recoil could be moving it?

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Re: Safety resets after each shot

Post by spyder »

It is the recoil. I took the stock off to take a look see, and I see wht's happening. The auto-safety rod appears to be binding in its hole. This keeps the safety slide from moving all the way forward so that the spring tab doesn't engage the second notch under the rear of the tang. I suppose the purpose of this notch it to secure the slide so that recoil will not effect the slide's position(Is this correct?). Everything works fine when the rod is removed.

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Re: Safety resets after each shot

Post by Stan Hillis »

Good deal. I take mine out anyway on all of them as I don't like automatic safeties. Glad you found it.

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Re: Safety resets after each shot

Post by spyder »

Post Mortem: I believe the cause of the auto-safety rod binding is that the rod is a replacement and is cut slightly too long. First of all, the rod itself looks very much like it was fashioned from a nail. There are "grippers" on the shank near the head like a common nail. Since it's too long- I'm thinking 1/8" - the rod pushes up against the yoke screw before the safety can lock into the "off" position. If anyone can tell the exact length of these, I'd appreciate it. In the meantime, I'll grind down some other nails and keep trying different lengths till everything works. I'm in the "first do no harm" school of hobbyist gunsmiths!

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Re: Safety resets after each shot

Post by Silvers »

Frank, yes the safety push rod is 1/8" diameter. The length was hand fitted to the individual gun. Two 12 gauge rods I have on the bench right now measure 1.702" and 1.730". Silvers
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Re: Safety resets after each shot

Post by CLAYBORN »

I was reading where Teddy Roosevelts beauty was taken apart once and that was to remove the auto safety rod so the article stated. Guess He didn't like the auto safety either. I'm going to leave mine out when and if I ever get it back together.
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Re: Safety resets after each shot

Post by fullchoke16 »

I've made them out of 10d polished finish nails. Get a distance between the yoke screw and the safety in the off position with dial calipers or verniers and cut the piece to that length to begin. As you shorten(bench grinder) it for fit, what you'll want to look for is just enough contact to move the safety roller over the hump. If it's longer than that then you might have the reset on recoil problem. If it's a hair short it won't reset the safety. You won't likely get it on your first try so cut yourself several nails and don't be in a hurry. Hope this helps. Fred
Recoil is most noticed when I miss
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