Info on a different brand of double

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Info on a different brand of double

Post by saddlesore »

I am hoping someone here might have some info or know of somewhere that I can obtain some.

I have a Belgium made double shotygun made by Raick Freres sometime before 1922 when he died. This is a nice hand crafted shotgun and I am looking for info and maybe photos or catalog pages that show me the stock checkering.

The gun I have has a broken stock and I have been commissioned to recarve one to at least partially restore the gun. It has set in a safe since the early 60's.
I havetehbroken stock,but the checkering has been recut in a crude fashion.

Here is a web site that I found giving a few details. ... k%20gb.htm

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Re: Info on a different brand of double

Post by birdawg »

There is a lot of information on a variety of subjects from the folks at the above forum
"I have more than I need, but not as many as I want"
"The search continues on many fronts"
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Re: Info on a different brand of double

Post by saddlesore »

Thanks, I 'll,look into it. I appreciate the reply
lee r moege
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Re: Info on a different brand of double

Post by lee r moege »

I usually look at the pattern that is on the forend and duplicate it as well as the LPI measurement taken from that for the checkering. I also look on Guns America/International to see if their are any photos of similar pieces. I think Wildwood has a Stoeger Zephyr that was made by Raick Frere's listed in Gun Digest so it may be on one of the List sites. Most of the Belgian checkering I have seem is a minimum of 24 LPI and nearer 28 LPI unless it is a high end sidelock. You can about bet it is a point pattern with some kind of border. Happy New Year!! Lee.
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Re: Info on a different brand of double

Post by saddlesore »

I have been trying to register on the double guns forum,but they will not respond with an approval.

If it's 24 or more LPI, I'm in trouble. Can't see that fine anymore even with cheaters and my hands are not that steady
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