Number of HE's made.....

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Number of HE's made.....

Post by MarketHunter »

I'm currently on the hunt for an HE so I've been trolling through all the various ones available online and through the various gun dealers. It's surprising to me how many are out there for sale.So far I've looked over six guns via internet pics and have talked on the phone about one more. Still haven't found exactly that one I want to buy but I'm hunting hard.

My question here is how many 32 inch HE guns with factory 3 inch chambers did they make? Is that a number that's known?

Be gentle, I'm a Parker guy who's always wanted an HE, the only Fox guns I ever owned were a couple Sterlingworths years ago. What I know about Fox's you could write on a stamp, other than what I've read about HE guns which is mostly the Buckingham related stuff.

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Re: Number of HE's made.....

Post by Researcher »

McIntosh was off by an order of three in his guess in the 300 range. The records show 945. How many had factory three-inch chambers, I don't know. It seems like 32-inch barrels are predominate, but I don't know that number either.
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Re: Number of HE's made.....

Post by eightbore »

Destry, unless you are really interested in collector value, the chamber length shouldn't be much of an issue, since the barrel configuration is probably the same for both varieties as long as the gun is made on the 0 frame. I bet many 3" HE Grade guns letter out to be originally 2 3/4 or no specification on the card at all. I don't believe that the cards on any HE I have ever requested a letter specified chamber length. If I had drilled any of them out to 3", no one would have known they weren't factory original.
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Re: Number of HE's made.....

Post by MarketHunter »


Oddly enough, two of the ones I've run onto so far have been 3 inch but lettered as 2 3/4. I want one with factory 3 inch chambers, if I'm going to spend the money that's what I'm going to buy. To me that means it's got to have the correct stamped markings pretty much.

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Re: Number of HE's made.....

Post by lee r moege »

Destry: It definately won't hurt to shoot an HE. You won't get kicked out of the PGCA! If you join us in the Fox group you can get a quickie card check that may give you and on the spot heads up on something you need verified. Lee.
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Re: Number of HE's made.....

Post by MarketHunter »

My search has borne fruit in that I've gotten to look over several guns but just haven't found the right one. I've had chances at ones with opened up chokes, reamed out chambers, refinished, 30 inch barrels, 2 3/4 chambers, and the list goes on. But not a 32 inch with factory 3 inch chambers that's not been refinished. I don't mind well worn, just no recase or reblue. Eight guns so far, but just not "the gun", guess the search continues.

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Re: Number of HE's made.....

Post by fox-admin »

PLEASE NOTE AGAIN: NO REFERENCES TO GUNS FOR SALE ON THIS FORUM. I DELETED ANOTHER POST THAT APPEARED TO BE A GUN FOR SALE. Remember you can use the Private Message system if you want to contact someone off line. Fox admin.
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Re: Number of HE's made.....

Post by HEman »


There are some nice HE Super Fox shotguns out there. I have a nice straight English stocked HE, 30in,
original in 3 inch. It is NOT for sale.

Have seen your work in the Parker Pages. Keep up the diligent search-it will be rewarded.I don't blame you for seeking what you really want. As the originals become more than rare-the prices are driven up. Another reason for hanging on to mine.
Check with Tom Kidd. He keeps up with original graded Fox guns. If you know what you are looking for, half the battle is won.

As to Parkers and Foxes, they are both fine representatives of American doubles.
I have both. See the DG Journal for Summer of 2003-a 3rd generation -owned AAHE Special Order.

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Re: Number of HE's made.....

Post by MarketHunter »

I don't know Mr. Kidd, I understand he's a hard man to approach.

I'm still looking.

Another popped up on GunBroker but it was only 30 inch and had a funky restock. Another one for the "pass" pile, that's nine so far.....

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Re: Number of HE's made.....

Post by Stan Hillis »

In the Spring 2009 A H Fox Collectors Ass'n newsletter Craig wrote an article entitled "12 ga Super-Fox by the Numbers". In the article he states that "it is estimated that 250 12 ga Super-Foxes were made; to date we (AHFCA) have information on 106 guns or 42% of the total". He states later in the article that "42% of our sample have 3" chambers and 58% have 2 3/4" chambers. Only half of the 3" guns are marked "3 inch" on the barrel flats".

Dave, however, in an earlier post on this thread says "the records show 945". Has the knowledge of the total being numbered at 945 just recently come to light since Craig's article?

This is confusing to me. Dave, and (or)Craig, can you clarify this any?

Thanks, Stan
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Re: Number of HE's made.....

Post by fox-admin »

Stan: I have written a new HE article yet to be published that is an actual count of the 12ga HE's, the total 12ga HE's is approx. 945 many more than Mike Mac estimated. Craig
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Re: Number of HE's made.....

Post by Stan Hillis »

Thanks, Craig. I thought it odd all along that out of 250 we had data on nearly half of them. Even more so that I would have one myself! Looking forward to the next "installment article" on the actual number made.

Is MM's estimate on the number of HE 20s more accurate, or was he way low on them, too?

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Re: Number of HE's made.....

Post by eightbore »

Destry, Mr. Tom Kidd helped me with my first HE Grade Fox. No reason not to contact him if he could be of some help.
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Re: Number of HE's made.....

Post by DGKaas »

This week Destry finally got his 32" 0 frame 3" HE in what appears to be nice unaltered shape. I managed to find an 0 frame 32" gun with original metal and non original wood for my Buckingham/Bartholomew "The Family Honor" D/HE special project :D My search for a 32" standard frame HE continues :wink:
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Re: Number of HE's made.....

Post by bamboozler »

DGKaas wrote:I managed to find an 0 frame 32" gun with original metal and non original wood for my Buckingham/Bartholomew "The Family Honor" D/HE special project :D
Please tell us more about this project, Don.
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