Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

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Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

Post by kl1450 »

I have come across a 30" 12-ga S#19XX Parts/Project gun and would appreciate opinions concerning repairs.
All iron is orig. to gun, but a poor older restock. Fit is fine on butt but no checkering. Forarm was an amature attempt at a beavertail, but retains the release hardware.
LEVER is also left of center. Minimal border engrave with minimal cc and sold barrels with old rust reblue. (No dents/dings and ring true)
Would this project be worth the effort considering the rarity of any Phil. Arms Foxes? The stock issues dont scrare me as much as the lever left.
Available for less than $1k and appears in shootable condition. (With light short loads.)
Any input and opinions would be much appreciated.
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Re: Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

Post by kl1450 »

Correction ...... S#12xx
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Re: Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

Post by vaturkey »

I'd recommend that you sign up (if you haven't already done so) to become a member of the Fox Collectors association. There is a member's only forum that provides loads of helpful advise beyond what you see in this particular forum. If you were a member you'd also see there is currently a gun such as you are referring to that is already for sale there at a less then what they are asking for this particular gun you are referring to, and based on your description its in better condition.
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Re: Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

Post by eightbore »

Way too much money for a gun with issues. PAC guns are very interesting examples of early Fox work, but not rare, and worth serious money only if a rare variation or in high condition. A bad PAC gun is normally priced the same as a bad early Fox. Think six hundred or less for a gun that can be shot without a trip to the gunsmith.
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Re: Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

Post by eightbore »

Post the complete serial number so it can be added to Researcher's database.
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Re: Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

Post by kl1450 »

S# 1295

Appears to be late Phil. Arms with "FOX" only engraved on receiver panels.

A second trip to look a lil' closer came with a much reduced selling price.

I need to check chambers and chokes before a serious offer can be entertained, and I need to research the lever left fix options.

Agreed as often as I visit this site and as invaluable as the information is membership is forthcoming.

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Re: Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

Post by kl1450 »


I have two additional Utica Sterlingworths you can add to the database.

S# 370037
16-ga ejector brush (26") circa 1935

S# 270450
20-ga brush w/beavertail circa 1937

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Re: Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

Post by kl1450 »

Last go around on this one.......
S# 1296 (after closer inspection) and she's mine. My 1st 12-ga and cleaned up/shoots well. Deadly accurate full/modified chokes & 2-3/4" chambers w/ Krupp barrels.
I'll post some pictures when I have a minute. Checks in the mail for membership to this great site and I'm looking forward to the members only areas.
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Re: Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

Post by ASavageFox »

too bad I have not been around here in a while... I would have sold you one of mine but in the end, its no big deal as long as you are happy!.

Post some pictures...

the lever left can be fixed by a competent smith... they will have to weld up the rib extension and then file it to the appropriate shape...

I assume its a full pistol grip stock but can you clarify... there were a few with straight stocks made...
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Re: Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

Post by kl1450 »

Thanks ASavageFox, I assumed after disassembly and clean that the wear was an easy weld/file fix to improve lever position.
Stock is a full pistol grip (nice walnut) but I'm assuming a Savage era restock w/o checkering. Aftermarket cap and hrbp.
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Re: Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

Post by ASavageFox »

make sure you use a good smith that is used to work on doubles and preferably Foxes... its not as straight forward as it may seem... the required shape on the inside of the rib extension is not linear but rather rounded.
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Re: Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

Post by Researcher »


A few questions about your Fox-Sterlingworths for my tables. Are the barrels Special Alloy -- Forged Steel or Sterlingworth Fluid Compressed Steel? Are the top-levers the sleeker Philadelphia style or the higher Savage style? Safety slides Philadelphia or Savage style? The pistol grips, capped or capless? Is the forearm on the 16-gauge the trimmer Philadelphia style or the bulkier Savage style?

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Re: Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

Post by kl1450 »

Attn: Researcher
I have many pics of the Phil. Arms and will take some of my Utica guns shortly.
Do you have an email address I can send them to?
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Re: Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

Post by Researcher »

You can send me the pictures at

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Re: Philadelphia Arms W/Issues

Post by kl1450 »

Pics emailed for Phil. Arms gun.

Both of my Utica guns barrels are marked "Special Alloy-Forged Steel".

16-ga Philly style forearm, 20-ga Savage wide tip.

Both pistol grips without caps.

Pics to follow someday soon.

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