F grade numbers

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Re: F grade numbers

Post by Researcher »

Here is a different style FE-Special that Puglisi had for sale a few years ago --




And here is a DE-Special from just before Ansley was forced out --

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Re: F grade numbers

Post by eightbore »

An early D was brought in by a customer at a store where I worked . It had a stock broken at the grip and a barrel set blown up. It was a two barrel set and the owner wanted it restored. We were never able to get him set up at a price I found reasonable. I will try to dig into my records and attempt to contact the owner to see whether he still has the gun.
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Re: F grade numbers

Post by loggy »

De sn 154XX was shipped 2/27/14. It has the pre Gough engraving. The date seemed late for the engraving pattern but I guess there all lots of other guns that are don't quite fit where you would expect.
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