Instructions for posting pics directly from your PC

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Instructions for posting pics directly from your PC

Post by fox-admin »

Click “post reply”
Scroll down on the message box
Just below the “Save draft,” “Preview” and “Submit” buttons you will see a blue tab marked “upload attachment.” Click on it
To the right of “Filename” click on the “Browse” button
Select the image you want to post on your PC and double click on it
The file location of your selected image will appear in the box to the left of the“Browse” button
Click “Add the File”
Your screen will blink and you’ll be back to the top of the message box
Scroll down to “Posted Attachments.” Under the “File Comment” box you should see your selected image file name posted. (You can add a title or comment in that box that will display directly below the image)
Click “Place Inline.” Your image will load into the message box.
To view it, click “Preview”
Remember: 1 MB/image is the max size allowed. If your image is larger it will not load into the message box. Five pics per thread limit.