Search found 18 matches
- Tue May 17, 2016 5:35 pm
- Forum: Fox Collectors Forum
- Topic: Forend irons on "Pin" Guns (extractor)
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2665
Forend irons on "Pin" Guns (extractor)
I just stumbled into a 12 ga Pin Gun marked "Sterlingworth Company, Philadelphia, PA USA". It came in without a forend iron. I plan to restock it and am unclear which forend iron I need. It is clearly not the same as the Fox Sterlingworth forends,nor the graded irons but I think there are ...
- Fri Jun 12, 2015 9:34 am
- Forum: "Technicana" and Restoration Forum
- Topic: Recommendation for Rejoint FoxC
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1852
Recommendation for Rejoint FoxC
I have just finished restocking a C Grade and I am pretty pleased with the results. I would like to get a nice rejoint to complete the restoration as it is a tiny bit off face. Any recommendations would be most appreciated. Thanks! Gil Russell
- Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:46 pm
- Forum: "Technicana" and Restoration Forum
- Topic: Needed: "Rub" from a C Grade AH Fox T-Guard
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2427
Re: Needed: "Rub" from a C Grade AH Fox T-Guard
Craig: Thank you! That is a big help. Gil
- Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:02 am
- Forum: "Technicana" and Restoration Forum
- Topic: Needed: "Rub" from a C Grade AH Fox T-Guard
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2427
Needed: "Rub" from a C Grade AH Fox T-Guard
I need to send a Fox C Grade trigger guard out for engraving and would like to have a"rub" from an early C trigger guard. I have an A gun but would appreciate anything that would give an engraver something to go on for this C. Thank you. Gil
- Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:27 am
- Forum: "Technicana" and Restoration Forum
- Topic: Extractor rim cuts
- Replies: 5
- Views: 3022
Re: Extractor rim cuts
Stan et al: Any barrel guy can do that--Mike Orlen in Mass. or Dean in Oklahoma are two guys I have used. Gil
- Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:03 pm
- Forum: "Technicana" and Restoration Forum
- Topic: WTB 12 ga Yoke (C Grade)
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1700
WTB 12 ga Yoke (C Grade)
I need a 12 ga yoke for a C grade Fox. The original one cracked on one side as I was taking it down and then the other side. Thanks!
- Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:04 pm
- Forum: "Technicana" and Restoration Forum
- Topic: Need Yoke for 12 Ga Graded Fox
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2119
Need Yoke for 12 Ga Graded Fox
I need a yoke for a graded 12 ga. I was starting to put one back together after inletting a new stock and saw that the existing one was cracked; it shattered as it came out. any ideas would be appreciated
- Mon Oct 27, 2014 3:51 pm
- Forum: "Technicana" and Restoration Forum
- Topic: Sears on 20 gauge Sterly
- Replies: 11
- Views: 6346
Re: Sears on 20 gauge Sterly
That is one thing definitely best left to someone with trigger experience. It could be the sears and it could be the notches in the hammers, maybe both. Also could be the sear spring (easy fix), poor fit of the wood in the area of the sears or triggers. All fixable.
- Sun Oct 05, 2014 4:44 pm
- Forum: "Technicana" and Restoration Forum
- Topic: Wanted: Fox Trigger guard
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2525
Wanted: Fox Trigger guard
Needing a trigger guard for a project gun. Thank you for any leads. Gil Tucson AZ
- Fri Sep 26, 2014 6:41 pm
- Forum: "Technicana" and Restoration Forum
- Topic: Fox Graded Stock Dimensions
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1680
Fox Graded Stock Dimensions
Were the graded Foxes typically turned out with dimensions similar to those of the Sterlingworths of the time, ie lots of drop? Or were they truly custom made?This relates to a Fox C Grade (12)that is coming this way next week without a stock. My dilemma is: look for a replacement or restock? I have...
- Thu Sep 18, 2014 10:37 pm
- Forum: "Technicana" and Restoration Forum
- Topic: Triggerplate Screw Type
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2258
Re: Triggerplate Screw Type
The sub gauges are also 12-32.
- Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:14 pm
- Forum: "Technicana" and Restoration Forum
- Topic: Accessing rotary bolt
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2687
Re: Accessing rotary bolt
Bobby et al: The last one I did, I put the receiver in a drill press vise with padded jaws and used a drill bit in the drill press larger than the end of that machine screw, just to get it down to the point where it would move. Once I got it out, I dressed it up with a slightly larger drill bit yet....
- Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:10 pm
- Forum: "Technicana" and Restoration Forum
- Topic: Hammer Stirrips
- Replies: 15
- Views: 8169
Re: Hammer Stirrips
I have one completely apart right now, a 20 ga Sterly. Tell me what measurement you need and I will put a caliper on it. Gil
- Wed Aug 06, 2014 2:41 pm
- Forum: "Technicana" and Restoration Forum
- Topic: Fox Sterly 20/Part Question
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2968
Re: Fox Sterly 20/Part Question
Bobby: I was going to contact you on the other board. I wanted to thank you for your help with the stock. I have it pretty well inletted now; the buttstock is good and the forend could have been better. Next to profile. Donnie did a good job on the semi inletting and would use him again, slow but go...
- Wed Aug 06, 2014 10:40 am
- Forum: "Technicana" and Restoration Forum
- Topic: Fox Sterly 20/Part Question
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2968
Fox Sterly 20/Part Question
I a m restoring a Fox Sterlingworth 20. I find the cocking slide, the part that is spring loaded and sits beneath the barrel flats to recock the hammers, is cracked. Is this part interchangeable for all gauges? One source does not specify gauge so I am thinking they would be, with some minor fitting...